Event ACRs Generated for Receipt of SIP Messages

An Event ACR is issued when the following SIP messages are received:

  • 200 OK message for a SIP Register from the IMS core.
  • SIP Final/Redirection Response 3xx
  • SIP Final Response (4xx, 5xx or 6xx) — this indicates an unsuccessful session-unrelated procedure.
  • SIP Final Response (4xx, 5xx or 6xx) — this indicates an unsuccessful SIP session set-up.

This example call flow shows an Event ACR that is created due to the reception of a 3xx SIP message. In this example the call fails after being redirected.

The 3xx SIP message receipt Event ACR is described above.

Event ACR Created Upon Reception of a 3xx Message Followed by Call Failure After Redirect

This example call flow shows an Event ACR that is created due to the reception of a 3xx SIP message. Then it shows a Start ACR upon reception of a 200OK. In this example the call succeeds after being redirected. The generate-start is OK.

The 3XX SIP receipt Start ACR event ACR is described above.

Event ACR Created Upon Reception of a 3xx Message Followed by Call Success After Redirect

This example call flow shows a Start ACR being sent when an Invite is received and an Interim ACR that is created due to the reception of a 3xx SIP message. In this example the call succeeds after being redirected. The generate-start is Invite.

The Start ACR Interim ACR call flow is described above.