Configure the sti-reason-header-config

To configure global STIR/SHAKEN configuration parameters on the SBC, use the sti-config object under session-router.

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sti-configand press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# sti-config
  4. Type sti-reason-header-config and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(sti-config)# sti-reason-header-config
  5. Type name followed by the alphanumeric string you want to use to name this sti-reason-header-config and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(sti-reason-header-config)# name MySTIReasonHeaderConfig
  6. Type sti-reason-header-entry to perform the entry configuration sub-element and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(sti-config)# sti-reason-header-entry
  7. Type scenario followed by the enumerated value that this header-entry must match and press Enter. Values include:
    • sti-server-timeout (Default)
    • invalid-sti-response
    • use-identity-header
    • tn-missing
    • sti-constraints-exceeded
    • sti-server-unreachable
    • internal-client-error
    • sti-server-bypass
    ACMEPACKET(sti-reason-header-entry)# scenario
  8. Type cause-code followed by your selection for this cause code and press Enter. You can use any value within the range 400-699.
    ACMEPACKET(sti-reason-header-entry)# cause-code 500
  9. Type reason-text followed by the alphanumeric string you want to use for this code and press Enter. The system sets this parameter to an empty string by default for all scenarios. However, it is internally mapped to applicable strings based on scenario. Your setting overwrites the default to your value for each scenario.
    ACMEPACKET(sti-reason-header-entry)# reason-text MyReasonText
  10. Type done to complete this sti-reason-header-entry. Create as many entries as needed to support your deployment.
  11. Type done to complete this sti-reason-header-config.
  12. You must apply this sti-reason-header-config to either a sti-server or globally to the sti-config. The sti-server setting takes precedence. If applying to the sti-config, type sti-reason-header-config-name followed by the name you configured in Step 6 above.
    ACMEPACKET(sti-config)# sti-reason-header-config-name MySTIReasonHeaderConfig
  13. Type done to complete this sti-reason-header-config configuration.
  14. Save and activate your configuration.