Number Authentication Mechanism Standards Compliance Features

You can configure the SBC to include compliance behaviors for the Number Authentication Mechanism 2.0 operations standards, referred to as MAN 2.0, by enabling the man-compliance option in the sti-config . This set of behaviors targets telecommunications SPAM traffic to reduce the impact and cost of this traffic on Service Providers and their customers.

When you enable the man-compliance option in the sti-config, you change default behaviors to comply with the Number Authentication Mechanism 2.0 standard by implementing the following non-default behaviors:

  • STI-VS Trigger Processing Behavior Change
  • Provide support for multiple scenarios in call rejection based on STI-VS response
  • Provide enhanced CDR support with parameters used in STI-AS/VS Requests

Enable the man-compliance option in the sti-config using the syntax below.

ORACLE(sti-config)# options +man-compliance=enabled