Parameter Mapping Configuration Examples

Similar to header mapping, you configure this parameter mapping feature by creating a sti-header-mapping-ruleset within the session-router element and applying your ruleset name to the sti-header-mapping-ruleset-name parameter within the sti-config or a sti-server element.

Parameters within mapping-rules that apply to parameter mapping include:

  • source-param—Case insensitive name of the source parameter. This could be a SIP or an HTTP header parameter based on the source header. If the source-header is null and the direction is inbound, the system identifies this value as a key from the HTTP body JSON claim.
  • target-param—Case insensitive name of the target parameter. This could be a SIP or an HTTP header parameter based on the source header. If the source-header is null and the direction is inbound, the system identifies this value as a key from the HTTP body JSON claim.

The id, source-header, target-header, direction, and role have the same or similar functions within rules you configure for header mapping.

Outbound Configuration - SIP Header Parameter to HTTP Body (JSON Claim)

This configuration uses an empty target-header, resulting in this rule manipulating the HTTP body.

source-header        P-Charging-Vector
source-param         ICID-Value
target-header        ""
target-param         ICID
direction            outbound

Result—The system copies the contents of the ICID value from the P-Charging-Vector header into the HTTP body JSON claim.

Outbound Configuration - SIP Header Parameter to HTTP Header Parameter

This configuration sets all parameters, resulting in this rule manipulating the HTTP Header parameter, X-Charging-Vector.

source-header        P-Charging-Vector
source-param         ICID-Value
target-header        X-Charging-Vector
target-param         ICID
direction            outbound

Result—The system copies the contents of the ICID-value from the P-Charging-Vector header into the HTTP Header X-Charging-Vector as the ICID parameter.

Outbound Configuration - SIP Header Parameter to HTTP Header

This configuration uses an empty target-param, resulting in this rule manipulating the HTTP header.

source-header        P-Charging-Vector
source-param         ICID-Value
target-header        X-Charging-Vector
target-param         ""
direction            outbound

Result—The system copies the contents of the ICID-value from the P-Charging-Vector header into the HTTP Header X-Charging-Vector.

Outbound Configuration - SIP Header to HTTP Body (JSON Claim)

This configuration uses an empty source-param and target-header, resulting in this rule manipulating the HTTP header.

source-header        P-Charging-Vector
source-param         ""
target-header        ""
target-param         icid
direction            outbound

Result—The system copies the contents of the P-Charging-Vector header into the HTTP body JSON claim with the key: icid.

Inbound Configuration - HTTP Body (JSON Claim) to SIP Header

This configuration uses an empty source-header and target-param, resulting in this rule manipulating the SIP header from the HTTP body. If the incoming INVITE does not contain the target-header you configured, the system creates a SIP header using your target-header value as a name that includes the value of your source-param.

source-header        ""
source-param         ICID
target-header        P-Charging-Vector
target-param         ""
direction            inbound

Result—The system copies the contents of ICID from the source-param into the P-Charging-Vector SIP header with the value ICID (from the source-param).

Inbound Configuration - HTTP Body (JSON Claim) to SIP Header Parameter

This configuration uses an empty source-header, resulting in this rule manipulating the SIP header parameter from the HTTP body. If the incoming INVITE already contains the target-param you configured, the system overwrites that parameter with the value of your source-param.

source-header        ""
source-param         ICID
target-header        P-Charging-Vector
target-param         icid-value
direction            inbound

Pre-requisite—HTTP response should have the configured source-param.

Result—The system copies the contents of the ICID from the HTTP body into the existing P-Charging-Vector SIP header with a new parameter called icid-value (from the source-param).

Inbound Configuration - HTTP Header to SIP Header Parameter

This configuration uses an empty source-param, resulting in this rule manipulating the SIP header parameter using the entire contents of the HTTP header. If the incoming SIP INVITE does not contain your configured target-param, the system does not apply this rule.

source-header        X-Charging-Vector
source-param         ""
target-header        P-Charging-Vector
target-param         icid-value
direction            inbound

Pre-requisite—HTTP response should have the configured souce-header.

Result—The system copies the contents of the X-Charging-Vector into the existing P-Charging-Vector SIP header with a new parameter called icid-value (from the target-param).

Inbound Configuration - HTTP Header Parameter to SIP Header Parameter

This configuration sets all parameters, resulting in this rule manipulating the SIP header parameter using the entire contents of the HTTP header. If the incoming SIP INVITE already contains your configured target-param, the system overwrites the value of that parameter with you configured source-param.

source-header        X-Charging-Vector
source-param         ICID
target-header        P-Charging-Vector
target-param         icid-value
direction            inbound

Result—The system copies the contents of the ICID parameter from the X-Charging-Vector into the existing P-Charging-Vector SIP header with a new parameter called icid-value (from the target-param).