7 Boot Management

Boot Management includes the tasks needed to ensure the system is operating according to the users requirements as it starts up. Requirements met by properly managing system boot include defining management access IP, specifying the load to boot and specifying a system name. The user may set this information manually or configure the operational environment to provide it.

Boot management consists of tasks working with the following:

  • Boot Loaders—The user needs to perform file management tasks to ensure that the software used to boot the system is compatible with the application system software itself. This typically includes verifying boot loader and application system software version for compatibility and placing the correct boot loader software in the correct location.
  • Boot Parameters—The user sets boot parameters to specify their requirements for boot, including defining management access IP, specifying the load to boot and specifying a system name.
  • Boot Flags—The user can, optionally, set special boot parameters called boot flags to further define how the system boots. The user may also set boot flags for diagnostic purposes under the guidance of Oracle support personnel.