Create and Deploy on Google Cloud Platform

You can deploy the SBC on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in either standalone mode or high availability (HA) mode.

Oracle supports the following machine types.

Table 6-1 GCP Machine Types

Machine Type vCPUs Memory (GB) vNICs Egress Bandwidth (Gbps) Max Tx/Rx queues per VM
n2-standard-4 4 16 4 10 4
n2-standard-8 8 32 8 16 8
n2-standard-16 16 64 8 32 16

Use the n2-standard-4 machine type if you're deploying an SBC that requires one management interface and only two or three media interfaces. Otherwise, use the n2-standard-8 or n2-standard-16 machine types for an SBC that requires one management interface and four media interfaces. Also use the n2-standard-8 or n2-standard-16 machine types if deploying the SBC in HA mode.

Before deploying your SBC, check the Available regions and zones to confirm that your region and zone support N2 shapes.

On GCP the SBC must use the virtio network interface card. The SBC will not work with the GVNIC