Create and Deploy on KVM

For complete KVM documentation, refer to

  1. Install the Virtualization Host group and virt-install.
    # yum groupinstall "Virtualization Host"
    # yum install virt-install
  2. Extract the image.
    # tar xvf nnSCZ739.64-img-vm_kvm.tar
  3. Use virt-manager to create the management and media network interfaces.
    • Create a virtual bridged network for management interfaces.
    • Create virtual networks for media interfaces.
  4. Provision a new virtual machine.
    # virt-install \
        --name SBC739 \
        --description "nnSCZ739 KVM" \
        --os-type=Linux \
        --os-variant=rhel7 \
        --ram=8192 \
        --vcpus=4 \
        --disk path=/opt/nnSCZ739.64-img-vm_kvm.qcow2,bus=virtio,size=10,format=qcow2 \
        --network bridge=br-Mgmt \
        --network bridge=br-Mgmt \
        --network bridge=br-Mgmt \
        --network bridge=br-Mgmt \
        --network network=media1 \
        --network network=media2 \
        --import \
        --cpu host


    Use interface-mapping to pin the four br-Mgmt network interfaces to wancom0, wancom1, wancom2, and spare.
    Identify a unique name for the virtual machine on this hypervisor.
    Describe this virtual machine.
    Specify the operating system type.
    Optimize the configuration for a specific operating system.
    Allocate a specific amount of RAM to this virtual machine.
    Allocate a specific number of virtual CPUs to this virtual machine.
    Specify the path to the disk image.
    Connect the virtual machine to a host network.
    Skip the operating system installation process and build a guest around the disk image specified with --disk.
    Configure the CPU model and CPU features exposed to the virtual machine.

    See man virt-install for more information.


    The --cpuset and --numatune options may be used to establish CPU affinity and socket pinning.

To maintain performance when using PV mode, you must pre-allocate cores to the Open vSwitch (OVS) for each forwarding core in the VM. For example, if the VM requires four forwarding cores, then four CPU cores should be allocated to the OVS.