Specify the Global ID for Northbound Trap Receivers

The OC SDM global identifier configuration installation option must be configured on an Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager cluster server to create a unique global identifier (ID). The Global ID is used to identify a cluster from which northbound traps originate. The traps are generated by OCSDM alarms that can be OCSDM or device alarms. OCSDM forwards the alarms it has in its Fault Management system to a northbound client. When an administrator receives the SNMP trap fault notification on their northbound system, the originating device can be determined by viewing the global ID contained in the SNMP trap fault notification.

  1. The OCSDM global identifier is selected by default. Choose from the following options to enter the global ID:
    • If you want to retain the default global ID, press Enter. For example:
      Enter global identifier: [OCSDM]
    • If you want to enter another global ID for the system, enter the global ID and press Enter. For example:
    Enter global identifier: [OCSDM] OCSDM-Boston