Start the Server after a Cluster Installation

Use this task if you are starting the OCSDM server after the cluster installation.


Ensure that the application data migration from SDM 7.5M3 to SDM 8.x has successfully completed before starting the cluster.
  1. Once the installation completes, switch to the nncentral user from the root user on any cluster node. For example:
    [root@myserver bin]# su nncentral
  2. Navigate to the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager installation bin directory.
    For example:
    cd /<sdm-install-directory>/AcmePacket/NNC<version>/bin
  3. Start OCSDM with the script.
    After all services have started, the system is ready for use. Do not attempt to log in until the console has indicated that the web servers are up. If you are upgrading from 7.5M3, the plugin service management system automatically uploads the plugins from the path you identified earlier, and installs them. The console displays the number of services started. For example:
    Starting Back-End server now
    27 of 27 services have started...
    Starting Apache servers...
    Servers and services started successfully. Web client access ready.
  4. Once the system is started, you can begin using OCSDM by entering the server host name or IP address, and port number in your web browser navigation bar.
    For example:
  5. Once this server has started on this node and it is operational, you can start the other server node(s).
  6. Enter the administrator login name and password that you configured in the Configure User Account Passwords section.
Next Steps
  • Check OCSDM server processes.