Unzip the Tar File to Create the SDM Installation Directory

Unzip the tar file to create the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager (AcmePacket) software installation directory.

  1. Download the appropriate tar.gz file from the Oracle customer portal.
  2. Save the tar.gz file to the directory on your server where you want to install OCSDM.
  3. Login to your server as the root user.
  4. Navigate to the directory where you want to install OCSDM on the server.
    cd /<directory>
  5. Extract the tar.gz file.
    For example:
    tar -xzvf NNC<version>OracleLinux65_64bit.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf NNC<version>OracleLinux70_64bit.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf NNC<version>OracleLinux80_64bit.tar.gz
    The OCSDM software installation directory is created. For example:
    cd /<sdm-install-directory>/AcmePacket/NNC<version>/bin