Customizing CDR Generation

You can customize CDR generation by adding more columns to CSV files based on the values from SIP request header fields. This customization can be enabled and disabled using the system setting Custom SIP headers in CDR file. For more information on system settings, see "System Settings Summary". The system setting Custom SIP headers in CDR file has a space-separated list of custom SIP header field names. For each custom SIP header field name in the list, a corresponding column of the same name, prefixed with Custom- is added to the CDR CSV fields listed in Table 14-1.

For example, when the system setting is set to X-Foo Bar, the two additional columns corresponding to the custom SIP header field names X-Foo and Bar are added in the CDR CSV file called Custom-X-Foo and Custom-Bar. The position of these columns is not guaranteed, so the software which processes these CSV files must take header names in the first line of the CSV file into account.

The value of the column Custom-X-Foo for a given call is a comma-separated list of all the values occurring in the X-Foo header field of all the SIP requests (in all segments) for the call. Each value occurs only once in the list. Note that a custom SIP header field can have multiple values per message (separated by commas or in multiple header field lines) and the custom SIP header field names are case sensitive.


Creating CDRs by enabling the Custom SIP headers in CDR file setting will have an adverse effect on the performance of Session Monitor.

When you enable CDR Interim Update Interval, the list of values of the configured custom SIP header fields for a call are cleared whenever an interim CDR is written. The lists of values in the final CDR of a call do not contain all the values from all the SIP requests belonging to that call. The final CDR has the values that are seen in requests since the last interim CDR.