2 New Features

Session Monitor release 4.4 includes the following new features, enhancements, and changed functionality:

VSI Drop Enhancements

In older versions, Red bars indicate packet loss. To identify packets that are dropped by VSI or are dropped before reaching VSI, you need to perform a log analysis. If there are any packet drops before reaching the VSI module, such packet drops are identified by VSI by checking for any sequence-gaps that may appear due to packet drops between the APID and RAPID modules. These drops due to sequence-gaps are indicated by the Yellow bars introduced in the OCSM 4.4 release.

To summarize:
  • Red bars: Indicate packet drops at VSI.
  • Yellow bars: Indicate packet drops due to sequence-gaps before reaching VSI.
  • Pink bars: Indicate that a few messages may have been lost and the call session information may not be accurate for the duration of the pink bars. Any occurrence of Yellow and Red bars are followed by pink bars.

Device Map Enhancements

This enhancement provides flexibility to select the required Platform devices to be enabled for a Device map. You can enable Device Map for a maximum of 50 Devices. You can also enable and display Trunks in a Device map. If you are upgrading from previous releases, where the Device Map flag is True and if the Device Map limit set earlier is less than or equal to 50, then the Enabled Device Map flag remains as True after the upgrade to OCSM 4.4. However, if the Device Map limit was greater than 50 before the upgrade, then the Enabled Device Map is set to False.

After upgrading to OCSM 4.4 set the Enabled Device map flag to True manually. Select the devices to be displayed in the map from the Platform Device settings. For more information, see the OCSM 4.4 Operations Monitor User Guide.

Support for OCSM Deployment in the Cloud

OCSM deployment is now supported in OCI and Azure cloud. For more information on the prerequisites and installation procedure, see the Session Monitor 4.4 Installation Guide.

Multiple-VSP Support

Enable the Multi-VSP feature to improve the concurrent user experience on the Mediation Engine user interface. The Multi-VSP feature faciltates creation of Multiple VSP instances. NGINX or HTTPD servers act as load balancers and the HTTP request load is distributed across multiple VSPs. For more details, see the OCSM 4.4 Operations Monitor User Guide.

Resetting the Password for Non Admin Users

Non-admin users can use the Forgot password link on the Mediation Engine GUI to reset the password. For more information, see the OCSM 4.4 Operations Monitor User Guide.

Fraud Monitor (OCFM) Notifications Enhancement

You can turn-off Email and SNMP notifications for Incidents. For more information, see the OCSM 4.4 Fraud Monitor User Guide.

Fraud Monitor (OCFM) Support for Multiple Mediation Engine Connections

A single Fraud Monitor can be connected to multiple Mediation Engines. For more information, see the OCSM 4.4 Fraud Monitor User Guide.

Capacity and Performance Improvements

OCSM 4.4 provides the following performance improvements:
  • Operations Monitor performance improved to support higher signaling bandwidth.
  • Support of higher number of registered users in the Mediation Engine.
  • Fraud Monitor performance improvements.

Selinux Support

It is not mandatory anymore to disable Selinux post OCSM installations. Operations Monitor should function as usual with the SELINUX modes:
  • Enforcing (Selinux type: Targeted)
  • Permissive
  • Disabled
For more information, see the OCSM 4.4 Session Monitor Installation Guide.

Virtual Probe Cloning Enhancements

The OCSM 4.4 release introduces a script to generate random UUIDs for cloned probes. After running the script, the cloned probes can be connected to the Mediation Engine successfully. For more information, see the OCSM 4.4 Session Monitor Installation Guide.