Registrations Panel

The Registrations Panel contains two tables where the first displays the current registered contacts and the second a history of the registrations events for the tracked user.

Figure 5-2 Registrations Panel

Registrations panel

Table 5-1 Current Registered Contacts Table

Column Name Description
Contact The Contact header of the REGISTER request.
IP address The IP address the REGISTER request originates from.
Expires The expiration interval set by the server.
Expires In The remaining time until expiration.
Refreshed The last time the registrations was refreshed.
First Seen The first time the tracked user registered successfully.
Link An indicator for the link quality to the tracked user which is displays in the Link Quality section. This column remains blank unless the particular users registered source IP address is set to be tracked for the Link Quality. The indicator is of LED diode icon with coloring based on the quality measured.
User Device The User-Agent header of the REGISTER request.
Suggested Expires It contains the value of the Expires header sent with the REGISTER request.
VLAN VLAN of the device.

The lower table contains the history of registration events for the tracked user.