Nightly Check for Individual Service Memory Usage

During the night (at 03:27 am) there is an additional check for individual used memory. At this time, cghealth checks each individual service and looks at the memory it used throughout the day. If the memory used by the individual service is above the value in the 'memory_high' section for that service (or the "default" value in the 'memory_high' section), that service is restarted. Note that the nightly check is independent of the memory used by the full PLD slice. This means that during the nightly check it will not matter what the full PLD slice memory consumption is, because only the individual service memory usage is checked.

For Example:

Assuming that the 'memory_high' section in the /opt/oracle/ocsm/etc/iptego/cghealth.conf file (or /opt/oracle/ocsm/etc/iptego/cghealth.local.conf file) looks as follows:

default = 10%
pld-vsi = 40%
pld-meco = 30%

During the night, cghealth checks each individual service and looks at the memory it used throughout the day. If pld-vsi memory usage goes above 40% of the limit (the limit defined in the 'memory' section), it is restarted. If pld-meco goes above 30% of the limit, it is restarted. For all other service from the PLD slice (for example pld-apid), the memory usage is compared to 10% of the limit (because that is the default value).