Remote App Procedure Calls

Remote app procedure calls provide programmatic access to the app functionality of Operations Monitor. It is possible to invoke apps installed on Operations Monitor and get their results via a simple HTTP GET interface. For more information, see Apps and Implementing Apps section of this manual.

Apps are possibly long running processes. Therefore invoking an app and retrieving the results of an app run have been split into two separate steps.

Invoking an App

Invoking an app is done by an HTTP GET request to the URL /scripts/run/ app_name on the Operations Monitor host, where app_name is to be replaced by the identifier of an app. Note, that you can lookup the identifier of an app in the Id column of that app's entry in the Available Apps table. The parameters of the app have to be encoded as URL parameters into the GET request URL.

If invoking the app succeeds, an app run is created, and the GET request returns the numeric run ID for the app run in the response body. This run ID can later be used to retrieve the results of the app run.

There are two possible failure cases when invoking an app. First, the given app name could be invalid. In this case Operations Monitor responds with an HTTP '404 Not found' error code. Secondly, the parameters given in the request could be invalid when a required parameter is missing or a given parameter cannot be parsed. In this case Operations Monitor responds with an 'HTTP 400 Bad request' error code.

A note regarding parameter encoding is required here: Datetime values have to be encoded in a special way to make Operations Monitor recognize them. Operations Monitor expects datetime values to be in the format YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS, where the 4-digit string YYYY gives the year, mm gives the month, dd gives the day, HH gives the hour, MM gives the minute, and SS gives the second.

Retrieving the Results of an App Run

Retrieving the results of an app run is done by an HTTP GET request to the URL /scripts/get/ run_id on the Operations Monitor host, where run_id is a numeric run ID. Run IDs are returned when invoking an app. They can also be looked up in the Id column of the App runs table. For more information, see Apps.

There are three possible outcomes of this request. First, if the run ID given is invalid an HTTP '404 Not found' error code is returned. Secondly, if the run ID is valid but the app run is not yet finished, an HTTP '202 Accepted' status code is returned. In this case the body of the response contains the string 202 Accepted. The third case is when the run ID is valid and the app run is finished already. In this case an HTTP '200 OK' status code is returned, and the body of the response contains the app run result table in CSV format.