Installing Session Monitor for the First Time

This section describes how to install Session Monitor for a new system.

  1. Log in to the Session Monitor server as a root or root privileged user.
  2. Run this command to verify that Oracle Linux 8 has been installed:
    cat /etc/oracle-release
  3. For partitioning, see the Creating a Separate Partition for Data (block) Storage section in the Installation Guide.
  4. Rename all the repos under the directory /etc/yum.repos.d/
    mv /etc/yum.repos.d/oracle-linux-ol8.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/oracle-linux-ol8.repo_bkp
    mv /etc/yum.repos.d/uek-ol8.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/uek-ol8.repo_bkp
    mv /etc/yum.repos.d/virt-ol8.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/virt-ol8.repo_bkp
  5. Create the /etc/yum.repos.d/ocsm.repo with the following content:
    name=OCSM dependencies
  6. Run this command to clean-up the repo:
    yum clean all
  7. Run this command to verify the repolist:
    yum repolist
    # yum repolist
    repo id  repo name
    OCSM     OCSM dependencies
  8. Copy the following from the repo server to the Session Monitor server in the temporary directory, such as /tmp/dependency/ and install those RPMs on Session Monitor server in this order.
    yum install perl-IO-Socket-SSL-2.066-4.module+el8.6.0+20623+f0897f98.noarch.rpm
  9. Install the MySQL RPM files using the following command:
    yum install mysql-commercial-*
  10. Copy the following RPMs from the Repo server to the Session Monitor server in a temporary directory, such as /tmp/dependency/, and install the RPM files on the Session Monitor server in this order:
    1. rpm -ivh python39-setuptools-wheel-50.3.2-4.module+el8.9.0+90016+9c2d6573.noarch.rpm
    2. rpm -ivh python39-pip-wheel-20.2.4-8.module+el8.9.0+90016+9c2d6573.noarch.rpm
    3. rpm -ivh python39-libs-3.9.18-1.module+el8.9.0+90071+8dc52a4f.x86_64.rpm
    4. rpm -ivh python39-3.9.18-1.module+el8.9.0+90071+8dc52a4f.x86_64.rpm
    5. rpm -ivh python39-pip-20.2.4-8.module+el8.9.0+90016+9c2d6573.noarch.rpm
    6. rpm -ivh python39-pyyaml-5.4.1-1.module+el8.9.0+90016+9c2d6573.x86_64.rpm
  11. Download the following protobuf package from to a temporary directory, such as /tmp/dependency/ of the Session Monitor Server:
  12. Download the following MySQL Connector package from MOS to the same temporary directory used above. such as /tmp/dependency/ directory of Session Monitor Server:
    MySQL Connector 8.0.33 Package:
    (Patch 35301971: MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.33 WHL for portable Linux x86 (64bit) Python 3.9)


    The Session Monitor dependencies used here are based on MySQL Connector 8.0.33 version since we are using MySQL 8.0.34 version. If there are any additional dependencies required, please take that as well.
  13. Run this command to set Python alternatives to python 3.9:
    update-alternatives --config python3
    update-alternatives --config python 


    After the Session Monitor upgrade, while installing any new packages using yum, some packages will install Python 3.6 as a dependency. As a result, Python alternatives will be getting changed. This can cause unexpected problems in the Session Monitor functionality. So, it is mandatory to verify that Python is pointing to Python 39. Run the commands listed above after installing every package using yum.


    When prompted, select the number corresponding to python3.9 option and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
  14. Run the following commands to install MySQL Connector from the temporary directory, such as /tmp/dependency/:
    cd /tmp/dependency/
    yum install unzip
    pip3 install mysql_connector_python-8.0.33-1commercial-cp39-cp39-manylinux1_x86_64.whl --no-index --find-links=/tmp/dependency/


    In the pip3 command used above, the option "--find-links" points to the directory where the dependencies required for the MySQL Connector whl file is present. Here, protobuf package is a dependency for MySQL Connector and is present in the temporary directory, such as /tmp/dependency/ as mentioned in the previous steps.
  15. Run this command to install Session Monitor:
    yum install ocsm
    For adjusting the firewall access, see the section Tasks to be Performed after RPM Installation in the Session Monitor Release 5.2 Installation Guide.
The Session Monitor Release 5.2 rpm installation is now complete. Proceed with Restoring Backup. For more information, see the section Restoring Backup in the Session Monitor Release 5.2 Backup and Restore Guide.