Post Upgrade

After upgrading the system, complete the following steps.

Certificate Exchange

Before logging into the system, exchange certificates between the Mediation Engine and the Mediation Engine Connector.For more information, see the "Connecting Mediation Engine with Mediation Engine Connector" section in the Mediation Engine Connector User Guide.

Multi VSP

Post the upgrade, multi-vsp will be disabled by default. You can enable multi-vsp again as per your requirement.

External Authentication

For External Authentication enabled Machines, re-enable External Authentication from Settings Post the upgrade, it is mandatory to copy the new pld.conf template from /opt/oracle/ocsm/etc/httpd/conf.d/pld.conf to /etc/httpd/conf.d/ folder, and configure the External Authentication details again.

This ensures new fixes and any changes in the pld.conf template to be applied on the system.


If any data loss occurs post upgrade, follow the Restore procedure provided in the Backup and Restore Guide


URLs of the Session Monitor Nodes has been updated with version Release 5.2 as below: