Configure the BI Publisher Security Model

  1. Log into BI Publisher.
  2. Click Administration in the top right corner of the page.

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.

  3. Click on Security Configuration under the Security Center heading on the page.

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.

  4. Under Authorization section, select BI Publisher Security from the Security Model drop-down list.

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.

  5. Enter the administrator user name and password that you configured earlier for the BI Publisher login in the text fields that appear above the Authorization section of the page.
    This can be, but does not have to be, the same password you used when setting up BI Publisher. The password provided here is used when registering BI Publisher.

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.

  6. Click Apply in the top right corner.
  7. Restart the WebLogic server.


    See the Troubleshooting section for information about restarting the WebLogic server.


    After restarting the WebLogic server, the WebLogic account is disabled. Administrative actions must be performed with the administrator account.