Create a Report Manager Database Instance on the External Oracle Database

From Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager setup application, specify the Oracle home path (ORACLE_HOME) and the credentials of the Oracle database user instance (OCSREMDW).

Pre-requisites: You must complete the following tasks:
  • Install or upgrade Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager. See the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager Installation Guide for more information.
  • Install the Oracle database software. See the Install the Oracle Database Software chapter in this guide for more information.
  • Install the Oracle database for BI Publisher. See the Create an Oracle Database for BI Publisher chapter in this guide for more information.
  • Run the repository creation utility (RCU). See the Run the Repository Creation Utility chapter in this guide for more information.
  • Install Oracle BI Publisher. See the Install Oracle BI Publisher chapter in this guide for more information.
  1. Log in as the nncental user.
  2. Navigate to the bin directory.
    For example:
    cd /opt/AcmePacket/NNC<version>/bin
  3. Execute the script. By default, the script detects whether the existing installation is a standalone or clustered system and prompts you with the option to shut down the entire cluster if no flag options are provided.


    However, You can script an option ahead of time by adding -local for single nodes and -cluster to shutdown an entire cluster.
    Shutdown back-end server
    Do you wish to shut down the entire cluster (Yes/No)? Yes
    Shutting down cluster.....
  4. Enter Yes to continue and shut down the cluster.
  5. Switch to the root user.
  6. Run
  7. Select option 2, Custom. Press Enter to continue.
    [ ]  1 - Typical
    [X]  2 - Custom
    [ ]  3 - Quit
  8. Select option 10, Oracle DB OCSREMDW configuration. Press Enter to continue.
  9. Enter the password for the Report Manager user (OCSREMDW) and confirm the password.


    The password must be eight characters or more, contain at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character and a number (1-9). You cannot use the $, #, and & special character(s) in the password. Use only the supported %, period (.), and ! special characters in your password at this time.
    For example:
    Password for user OCSREMDW
    Enter password for user OCSREMDW [] <MyPassword4U!>


    The password that you configure expires after 180 days. Seven days before the password expires, a password expiry trap warns you through SDM that your password needs to be reset. If you need to reset this user password later, see the Reset the Password for the Oracle Database User section in the Oracle Communications Report Manager User Guide for more information.
  10. Enter the path of the ORACLE_HOME variable. For example:
    Oracle home path (ORACLE_HOME)
    Enter Oracle home path (ORACLE_HOME) [] /app/oracle/product/<Oracle-Database-Version>/dbhome_1