Register BI Publisher in HTTPS Mode

Oracle recommends you register BI Publisher in HTTPS mode to encrypt any communication between Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager and BI Publisher. BI Publisher can be run in both HTTP and HTTPS modes. If you decide to run BI Publisher in HTTP mode, then you can skip this section and go to the Register BI Publisher in Session Delivery Manager section.

Enable HTTPS on the WebLogic Server

To encrypt the communication between BIP and SDM, first enable HTTPS on the WebLogic server.

  1. Login to the administrative console of your WebLogic server. Use the username and password you created when installing BI Publisher.

    In the default installation, the administrative console can be reached at http://<IP address>:7001/console.

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.

  2. Under Domain Structure section of the pane in the left panel, click to expand the Environment menu and click Servers.

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.

  3. In the main tab of the Summary of Servers section of the pane, check the AdminServer(admin) check box.

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.

  4. In the Change Center section of the pane, click Lock & Edit.

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.

  5. In the Configuration tab, General sub-tab, click the SSL Listen Port Enabled check box and enter the port number in the SSL Listen Port field.

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.

  6. Click Save.
  7. In the Change Center of the pane, click Activate Changes.

In a cluster setup, repeat this task for each BIP server.

Save and Transfer the BI Publisher Certificate to Session Delivery Manager

  1. Open your web browser and connect to BI Publisher. For example:


    You must use secure HTTPS.
  2. Confirm that you understand the risks.
  3. View and add the server certificate.
  4. Select the server certificate you that you added and click Export.
  5. Save the file with the .cer extension in one of the following formats:
    • X.509 PEM (Linux)
    • Base-64 (Windows)
  6. Use the secure file transport protocol (SFTP) to send the saved BI Publisher certificate to a directory on your Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager server.

Add the BI Publisher Certificate to the Session Delivery Manager Keystore

After transferring BI Publisher Certificate to your Oracle Communications Session Delivery manager server, you must add your BI Publisher certificate to the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager keystore.

You can either add the BI Publisher certificate through the SDM setup program ( or upload it through the SDM GUI:


If you are using the SDM setup program to upload a BI Publisher certificate, you must run the setup program on each SDM server cluster node to upload the BI Publisher certificate on each node. If you perform this task through the SDM GUI, the BI Publisher certificate is replicated to all SDM cluster nodes.
  • See the Configure Southbound Interface Transport Layer Security section in the Custom Installation chapter of the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager Installation Guide for more information about loading the BI Publisher certificate through the SDM setup program.
  • See the Manage Certificates for Southbound Authentication chapter in the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager Administration Guide for more information about loading the BI Publisher certificate through the SDM GUI.