Simple Implementation of Report Manager

A simple implementation of Report Manager can include the following types of installations:
  • Local standalone installation—A single local server that has Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager, Oracle BI Publisher, and their respective databases that work together to generate reports.

    Figure 1-1 Local standalone installation of Report Manager

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.
  • Local cluster installation—A cluster of local servers that generate reports and provide high availability in case one system experiences a sudden failure. On each local server that is part of the same cluster, Oracle BI Publisher and Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager are installed with their respective databases. Once installed, the Oracle BI Publisher application is local to the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager application.


    In a local cluster, the databases synchronize every night. The database content of all non-master cluster nodes is synchronized with the master cluster node. All identifying information for one host, such as a username, password, and database prefix, should be identical to the identifying information of another host in the same cluster.

    Figure 1-2 Local cluster installation of Report Manager

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.
  • Remote standalone installation—A single remote server that has Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager, Oracle BI Publisher, and their respective databases.


    If you select this type of installation, install Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager on its server first on Server 1, and next install the Oracle BI Publisher software on Server 2.

    Figure 1-3 Remote standalone installation of Report Manager

    Refer to the preceding text for a description of this figure.
The distinct databases in the illustration above function in the following ways for Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager, Oracle BI Publisher, and Oracle Communications Report Manager:
  • The Berkeley (SDM) XML database is embedded into the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager infrastructure, and provides database storage for Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager user name and user group variables. It is initiated by the database service.
  • The AcmeBIPublisher database is maintained and used by the Oracle database to hold the schemas and configuration required by the Oracle BI Publisher application.
  • The Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager Data Warehouse (ocsdmdw) database is maintained by Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager and it is used to store data that is collected from devices for which collection is enabled is OCSDM.