show balancer realms

The show balancer realms command displays a composite list of realms that all member OCSBCs have registered with the OCSLB.

ORACLE# show balancer realms
Realm        SBC Tunnel Name                    ref count endpoints
----------- --- ------ ------------------------ --------- ---------
access       99   4092 newcastle                        1     53535
access       98   4091 magichat                         1     53535
access       97   4090 augustiner                       1     53535
access       94   4086 bass                             1     53535
access       93   4085 westy                            1     53535
access       92   4084 sixtus                           1     53535
access       96   4089 guiness                          1     53535
net-13       99   4088 samadams                         1     62550
net-13       91   4087 stbernie                         1     62550

In this example, seven of the nine OCSBCs have registered the realm access and two have registered the realm net-13. The total number of endpoints for each of these services is indicated in the rightmost column. The ref count column is reserved for future use.