show ccd sds

The show ccd sds command displays a table containing an overview of all of the data gleaned from the CCP from each OCSBC.

ORACLE# show ccd sds
Session Director        Hdl  State     Tunnel Svcs Version     HW    LastPing
----------------------- ---- --------- ------ ---- ---- ------ ----- --------
augustiner                95 InService  1/1     2  VM     1966ms
bass                      94 InService  1/1     2  VM     1966ms
guinness                  96 InService  1/1     2  VM     1966ms
magichat                  97 InService  1/1     2  VM     1966ms
newcastel                 98 InService  1/1     2  VM     1966ms
samadams                  99 InService  1/1     2  VM     1966ms
sixtus                    92 InService  1/1     2  VM     1966ms
stbernie                  91 InService  1/1     2  VM     1966ms
westy                     93 InService  1/1     2  VM     1966ms

Field descriptions include:

  • Session Director contains the hostname of the cluster OCSBCs that are connected to the SLB.
  • Hdl contains the clustered OCSBC handle, an internal shorthand that identifies a specific cluster member. The show balancer members command provides a handle to hostname mapping.
  • State contains the current OCSBC state. Valid states are:
    • Init — during initial handshaking with the SLB
    • InService — healthy and operating normally
    • Rebalance — during a cluster expansion/contraction operation
    • LostControl — no longer communicating with the SLB
  • Tunnel displays (the number of tunnels in service)/(the number of tunnels configured on the OCSBC).
  • Svcs contains the number of advertised services (protocols) that the OCSBC has negotiated with the SLB.
  • Version contains the software version running on that OCSBC.
  • HW identifies the hardware platform (in this case, VM identifies virtual machines).
  • LastPing is not currently used.

When issued with an optional hostname argument, the show ccd sds command provides a detailed report for the target hostname.

ORACLE# show ccd sds bass
Session Director: bass

|State     : InService       Handle       : 0x3ff
|Tunnels   : 1               ServicePorts : 20
|HW Type   : VM              SW Version   : 8.1.0(53)
|Last Ping : 312ms           Remote State : Online
|App Count : 1               Active Id    : 4
|Service:        App  SvcPorts Tunnels Endpoints DropCount
+--------------- ---- -------- ------- --------- ---------
|Realm192p1       SIP       10       1         0         0
|Realm192p1_v66   SIP       10       1      1000         0
| Tunnel#: 0
+ ----------
| ID: (11||
| App: SIP
| Handle: 0x3ff
| Svcs: 20
| LastHB: 312ms
| Traffic Policy: Implicit Defaults
|# CPU   MAX  CurReg RegLimit CurSes  MaxSess State  CtlVer Mem% Max  OverLoad
+- ----- ---- ------ -------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ---- ---- --------
|0 0.0% 90.0% 1000   0        0       80000   InSer  7/7    38.0 95.0   no
|  0.0% 90.0% 1000   800000   0       80000
|Overloads Reported        : 0
|Causes: Memory Threshold Exceeded (0); Thread Overload- SIP (0), 
|MBCD (0); Other (0)
|Service Port                        App  Handle   TunNdx Avail
+----------------------------------- ---- -------- ------ -----
|Realm192p1:<6>    SIP  513(1)     0    yes
|Realm192p1:<17>   SIP  514(2)     0    yes



  • State — the current OCSBC state
  • Handle — the OCSBC handle
  • Tunnels — the current number of OCSBC tunnels
  • ServicePorts — the current number of OCSBC service ports
  • HW Type — the hardware platform (in this case, SD3 identifies an Acme Packet 4500 OCSBC)
  • SW Version — the installed software revision level
  • Last Ping — the number of elapsed milliseconds, since a ping/keepalive was received from this OCSBC
  • App Count — the number of applications supported by the OCSBC

Services State

  • Service — the realm advertised by the OCSBC in the Service Port ID
  • App — the supported protocol: SIP
  • SVCPorts — the current number of service ports
  • Tunnels — the current number of tunnels
  • endpoints — the cumulative number of endpoints for this service
  • DropCount — the number of elements to drop when rebalancing this OCSBC

Tunnel State

  • # — the tunnel index (0 or 1)
  • Tunnel — the SLB and OCSBC tunnel IP address
  • App — the supported protocol: SIP
  • Handle — the handle for the tunnel
  • Svcs — the number if service ports supporting the tunnel
  • LastHB — the number of elapsed milliseconds since a heartbeat was received from the remote end of this tunnel

Tunnel Metrics

  • # — the tunnel number (0 or 1)
  • CPU — the current CPU utilization rate
  • Max — the maximum supported CPU utilization rate, if this value is exceeded, the tunnel implements a load limit algorithm
  • CurReg — the current number of registrations supported by the OCSBC
  • RegLimit — the maximum number of registrations supported by the OCSBC
  • CurSess — the current call count reported by the OCSBC
  • MaxSess — the maximum sessions for which the OCSBC is licensed
  • State — whether or not the tunnel is in service
  • Mem% — the current memory utilization
  • Max — the maximum supported memory utilization rate, if this value is exceeded, the tunnel implements a load limit algorithm
  • OverLoad — whether or not the OCSBC is reporting itself overloaded, and therefore out of contention for accepting new traffic

Service Port Data

  • Service Port — the service path (the concatenation of realm, IP address, port number, and IP Level 4 protocol number — 17 for UDP, 6 for TCP)
  • App — the supported protocol: SIP
  • Handle — the handle for the service port
  • TunNdx — the tunnel the service port is registered for
  • Avail — current availability (yes or no) determined by the presence of heartbeats