23 Media Streams

This chapter describes how to use media streams in Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM).

About Media Streams

You use Media Stream specifications to model content such as audio and video media delivered over cable, satellite, radio, or streaming IP. When you define Media Stream specifications, you can add characteristics to supplement the default data elements. For example, you can add an AudioOnly characteristic to define whether a media stream has only audio content. You can also associate behaviors with media streams by using rulesets and extension points. See Design Studio Help for more information about designing Media Stream specifications.

In UIM, you use Media Stream entities to represent media content and to manage its delivery. For example, you can use Media Stream entities to represent provisionable or subscription video services such as tiered services and a la carte packages.

You can reserve media streams, assign conditions to them, and include them in business interactions. UIM manages media stream life cycles the same way it manages other resource entities.

The Cable TV sample cartridge pack includes specifications and rules for managing cable television services enabled by media stream entities. See UIM Cable TV Cartridge Guide for more information.