Update a Pipe



Updates the Pipe that matches the specified ID. Update can be performed either using merge-patch or json-patch, each of which accepts a different request content-type. Kindly note that ID and ResourceSpecification cannot be updated and must not be provided in the PATCH requests.

Merge Patch:

All attributes provided in the request will be updated with the given values.

JSON Patch:

This operation performs sequential updates on individual attributes. Auto Updation of both Originating and Terminating Termination Point will be done in case of not provided or wrongly provided in the input. For JSON patch, only ADD and REMOVE operation is supported for enablements. Also, only REPLACE operation is supported for capacityProvided and capacityRequired pipe attributes.

Attribute selection is enabled for all first-level attributes.

Optionally, use the expand parameter to specify resource relationship (resourceRelationship.INVOLVE) that you want to see details for. By default, you'll just see links for these.

Optionally, use the depth parameter to expand the level of referenced entities. If depth=0, all referenced entities in RootEntity objects will contain only the ID, HREF, and @type. If depth=N, it expands reference objects of related entities recursively, and the last level contains only the references. The default is depth=0.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json-patch+json ()
The pipe to be updated.
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : PatchDocument
Type: object
A JSON PATCH document.
Show Source
Nested Schema : value
Type: object
The value to use with the operation.
Request Body - application/merge-patch+json ()
The pipe to be updated.
Root Schema : schema
A pipe resource.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : LogicalResource
Type: object
The base class for logical resources.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : Discriminator: @type
Type: object
A base resource Class.
Show Source
Nested Schema : LogicalResource-allOf[1]
Type: object
Nested Schema : type
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : CapacityConsumed
Type: object
Consumed capacity of pipe.
Show Source
Nested Schema : CapacityProvided
Type: object
A capacity provided.
Show Source
Nested Schema : CapacityRequired
Type: object
Required capacity of pipe.
Show Source
Nested Schema : pipeDirectionalityRef
Type: array
The list of pipe directionalities.
Show Source
Nested Schema : PipeEnablement
Type: object
Segment details that are enabling current Connectivity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : roles
Type: array
The list of pipe inventory roles.
Show Source
Nested Schema : PipeDirectionality
Type: object
A Pipe Directionality .
Show Source
Nested Schema : pipeSegmentRef
Type: array
The list of pipe segments.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Segment
Type: object
Segment details that are enabling current Connectivity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : flowIdentifiers
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : segmentRef
Match One Schema
Show Source
Nested Schema : schema
A flow identifier.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : type
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : schema
A network address domain.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : type
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : RelatedPartyRef
Type: object
A related party, which defines a party or party role linked to a specific entity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Connectivity
A Connectivity resource.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : Connectivity-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : PlaceRef
Type: object
A place to associate with the resource/service.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConnectivityDesign
Type: object
Gives the details of latest connectivity design version.
Show Source
Nested Schema : asideFlowIdentifiers
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : paths
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : zsideFlowIdentifiers
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConnectivityPath
Type: object
Paths that are enabling current Connectivity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : segments
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Role
Type: object
A role.
Show Source
Back to Top


Supported Media Types

200 Response

The pipe was updated successfully.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
A pipe resource.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : LogicalResource
Type: object
The base class for logical resources.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : Discriminator: @type
Type: object
A base resource Class.
Show Source
Nested Schema : LogicalResource-allOf[1]
Type: object
Nested Schema : type
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : CapacityConsumed
Type: object
Consumed capacity of pipe.
Show Source
Nested Schema : CapacityProvided
Type: object
A capacity provided.
Show Source
Nested Schema : CapacityRequired
Type: object
Required capacity of pipe.
Show Source
Nested Schema : pipeDirectionalityRef
Type: array
The list of pipe directionalities.
Show Source
Nested Schema : PipeEnablement
Type: object
Segment details that are enabling current Connectivity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : roles
Type: array
The list of pipe inventory roles.
Show Source
Nested Schema : PipeDirectionality
Type: object
A Pipe Directionality .
Show Source
Nested Schema : pipeSegmentRef
Type: array
The list of pipe segments.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Segment
Type: object
Segment details that are enabling current Connectivity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : flowIdentifiers
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : segmentRef
Match One Schema
Show Source
Nested Schema : schema
A flow identifier.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : type
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : schema
A network address domain.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : type
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : RelatedPartyRef
Type: object
A related party, which defines a party or party role linked to a specific entity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Connectivity
A Connectivity resource.
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : Connectivity-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : PlaceRef
Type: object
A place to associate with the resource/service.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConnectivityDesign
Type: object
Gives the details of latest connectivity design version.
Show Source
Nested Schema : asideFlowIdentifiers
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : paths
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : zsideFlowIdentifiers
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConnectivityPath
Type: object
Paths that are enabling current Connectivity.
Show Source
Nested Schema : segments
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Role
Type: object
A role.
Show Source

400 Response

The request isn't valid.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error. This is typically used with HTTP error response codes (3xx, 4xx, 5xx).
Show Source
  • The error code.
  • Allowed Values: [ "CustomObject", "CustomNetworkAddress", "DeviceInterface", "Equipment", "EquipmentHolder", "FlowIdentifier", "GeographicLocation", "GeographicSite", "GeographicAddress", "PropertyLocation", "LogicalDevice", "LogicalDeviceAccount", "MediaStream", "Network", "PhysicalConnector", "PhysicalDevice", "PhysicalPort", "Pipe", "Service", "TelephoneNumber", "IPV4Address", "IPV6Address", "IPSubnet", "NetworkAddressDomain", "Connectivity", "Party" ]
    The list of valid values for an entity class.
  • message
    The text that provides more details about the error as well as corrective actions.
  • The short, user-friendly summary of the problem, which does not change for subsequent occurrences of the problem.
  • The URL pointing to the documentation that describes the error.
  • The HTTP error code extension, such as 400-2.
Nested Schema : message
Type: array
The text that provides more details about the error as well as corrective actions.
Show Source

401 Response

You aren't authorized to make this request.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error. This is typically used with HTTP error response codes (3xx, 4xx, 5xx).
Show Source
  • The error code.
  • Allowed Values: [ "CustomObject", "CustomNetworkAddress", "DeviceInterface", "Equipment", "EquipmentHolder", "FlowIdentifier", "GeographicLocation", "GeographicSite", "GeographicAddress", "PropertyLocation", "LogicalDevice", "LogicalDeviceAccount", "MediaStream", "Network", "PhysicalConnector", "PhysicalDevice", "PhysicalPort", "Pipe", "Service", "TelephoneNumber", "IPV4Address", "IPV6Address", "IPSubnet", "NetworkAddressDomain", "Connectivity", "Party" ]
    The list of valid values for an entity class.
  • message
    The text that provides more details about the error as well as corrective actions.
  • The short, user-friendly summary of the problem, which does not change for subsequent occurrences of the problem.
  • The URL pointing to the documentation that describes the error.
  • The HTTP error code extension, such as 400-2.
Nested Schema : message
Type: array
The text that provides more details about the error as well as corrective actions.
Show Source

403 Response

The request is forbidden.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error. This is typically used with HTTP error response codes (3xx, 4xx, 5xx).
Show Source
  • The error code.
  • Allowed Values: [ "CustomObject", "CustomNetworkAddress", "DeviceInterface", "Equipment", "EquipmentHolder", "FlowIdentifier", "GeographicLocation", "GeographicSite", "GeographicAddress", "PropertyLocation", "LogicalDevice", "LogicalDeviceAccount", "MediaStream", "Network", "PhysicalConnector", "PhysicalDevice", "PhysicalPort", "Pipe", "Service", "TelephoneNumber", "IPV4Address", "IPV6Address", "IPSubnet", "NetworkAddressDomain", "Connectivity", "Party" ]
    The list of valid values for an entity class.
  • message
    The text that provides more details about the error as well as corrective actions.
  • The short, user-friendly summary of the problem, which does not change for subsequent occurrences of the problem.
  • The URL pointing to the documentation that describes the error.
  • The HTTP error code extension, such as 400-2.
Nested Schema : message
Type: array
The text that provides more details about the error as well as corrective actions.
Show Source

500 Response

An internal server error occurred.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error. This is typically used with HTTP error response codes (3xx, 4xx, 5xx).
Show Source
  • The error code.
  • Allowed Values: [ "CustomObject", "CustomNetworkAddress", "DeviceInterface", "Equipment", "EquipmentHolder", "FlowIdentifier", "GeographicLocation", "GeographicSite", "GeographicAddress", "PropertyLocation", "LogicalDevice", "LogicalDeviceAccount", "MediaStream", "Network", "PhysicalConnector", "PhysicalDevice", "PhysicalPort", "Pipe", "Service", "TelephoneNumber", "IPV4Address", "IPV6Address", "IPSubnet", "NetworkAddressDomain", "Connectivity", "Party" ]
    The list of valid values for an entity class.
  • message
    The text that provides more details about the error as well as corrective actions.
  • The short, user-friendly summary of the problem, which does not change for subsequent occurrences of the problem.
  • The URL pointing to the documentation that describes the error.
  • The HTTP error code extension, such as 400-2.
Nested Schema : message
Type: array
The text that provides more details about the error as well as corrective actions.
Show Source
Back to Top


This example shows how to update the details of a pipe of a given ID by submitting a PATCH request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see "Install and Use cURL".

cURL Command

curl -X PATCH "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/version/pipe/ID" -H credentials @pipePatch.json


  • hostname is the URL for the UIM REST server.
  • port is the port for the UIM REST server.
  • version is the version of the API you're using.
  • ID is the ID of the pipe to be updated.
  • pipePatch.json is the JSON file with updated values.

Example of Request Body

This shows an example of the contents of the pipePatch.json file sent as the request body.


The MERGE patch requests should not have ID and the Resource-Specification attributes in the requests as they cannot be updated.

Update the basic, CapacityProvided, and CapacityRequired attributes of a pipe and add pipeDirectionality and new segments in the primary or secondary path enablement:

Example for MERGE patch

    "@type": "Pipe",
    "name": "Updated pipe",
    "medium": "FIBER",
    "transmissionSignalType": "ELECTRICAL",
    "capacityProvidedRef": {
        "capacityType": "Bandwidth",
        "totalAmount": "9",
        "unitOfMeasure": "Kbps",
        "consumablePercentage": "90"
    "capacityRequiredRef": {
        "capacityType": "Bandwidth",
        "requiredAmount": "9",
        "unitOfMeasure": "Kbps",
        "quantity": 2
       "pipeDirectionalityRef": [
            "pipeDirection": "UNI_DIRECTIONAL",
            "directionalityType": "ROUTING",
            "terminationId1": "1",
            "terminationId2": "2",
            "terminationName2": "PTPUpdated",
            "terminationDirectType1": "SINK",
            "terminationDirectType2": "SOURCE"
     "primaryPathEnabled": {
        "originatingTerminationPoint": "75002",
        "terminatingTerminationPoint": "75003",
        "pipeSegmentRef": [
                "segmentRef": {
                    "id": "30-75001",
                    "@type": "Pipe"
                "segmentRef": {
                    "id": "30-75002",
                    "@type": "Pipe"
    "secondaryPathEnabled": {
        "originatingTerminationPoint": "75006",
        "terminatingTerminationPoint": "75005",
        "pipeSegmentRef": [
                "segmentRef": {
                    "id": "30-75003",
                    "@type": "Pipe"

Example for JSON Patch

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/name",
        "value": "Updated pipe"
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/medium",
        "value": "FIBER"
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/transmissionSignalType",
        "value": "ELECTRICAL"
		"op": "add",
		"path": "/pipeDirectionalityRef",
		"value": {
			"pipeDirection": "UNI_DIRECTIONAL",
                                           "directionalityType": "ROUTING",
                                           "terminationDirectType1": "SOURCE",
                                           "terminationDirectType2": "SINK"
		"op": "replace",
		"path": "/capacityRequiredRef",
		"value": {
			"quantity": "2"
		"op": "replace",
		"path": "/capacityProvidedRef",
		"value": {
			"totalAmount": "9"
     "op": "add",
    "path": "/primaryPathEnabled",
    "value": {
                "pipeSegmentRef": [
                 "segmentRef": {
                    "id": "30-75001",
     "op": "add",
    "path": "/secondaryPathEnabled",
    "value": {
                "pipeSegmentRef": [
                 "segmentRef": {
                    "id": "30-75003",

Example of Response Body

This example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format. It shows the pipe details for a given ID.

    "id": "30-1",
    "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/30-1",
    "@type": "Pipe",
    "@baseType": "LogicalResource",
    "name": "Updated pipe",
    "description": " Updated pipe description",
    "resourceVersion": "1",
    "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED",
    "lifecycleSubState": "UNASSIGNED",
    "startOperatingDate": "2022-04-15T15:24:17.428Z",
    "endOperatingDate": "2028-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
    "resourceRelationship": [
            "relationshipType": "INVOLVE",
            "resourceRef": {
                "id": "1-75001",
                "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/1-75001",
                "@type": "LogicalDevice"
    "resourceCharacteristic": [],
    "resourceSpecification": {
        "id": "BATTrailPipeSpec",
        "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/specification/BATTrailPipeSpec",
        "name": "BATTrailPipeSpec",
        "version": "1",
        "entityType": "Pipe",
        "startDate": "2022-04-08T00:00:01.000Z",
        "endDate": "2038-01-19T08:44:07.000Z"
    "place": [
            "id": "1",
            "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/place/1",
            "name": "place1",
            "@referredType": "GeographicLocation"
    "capacityProvidedRef": {
       "capacityType": "Bandwidth",
       "totalAmount": "9",
       "unitOfMeasure": "Kbps",
       "consumablePercentage": "90"
    "capacityRequiredRef": {
        "capacityType": "Bandwidth",
        "requiredAmount": "51.84",
        "unitOfMeasure": "Mbps",
        "quantity": 1
    "capacityConsumedRef": {},
    "allowSecondaryEnablement": true,
    "isVersioned": false,
    "aendTerminationPoint": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/pipeTerminationPoint/32-1",
    "zendTerminationPoint": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/pipeTerminationPoint/32-2",
    "primaryPathEnabled": {
        "originatingTerminationPoint": "75002",
        "terminatingTerminationPoint": "75003",
        "pipeSegmentRef": [
                "segmentNumber": "1",
                "asideTerminationPoint": "75001",
                "segmentRef": {
                    "id": "30-75001",
                    "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/30-75001",
                    "@type": "Pipe"
                "zsideTerminationPoint": "75002"
                "segmentNumber": "2",
                "asideTerminationPoint": "75001",
                "isGap": true,
                "zsideTerminationPoint": "75004"
                "segmentNumber": "3",
                "asideTerminationPoint": "75003",
                "segmentRef": {
                    "id": "30-75002",
                    "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/30-75002",
                    "@type": "Pipe"
                "zsideTerminationPoint": "75004"
    "secondaryPathEnabled": {
        "originatingTerminationPoint": "75006",
        "terminatingTerminationPoint": "75005",
        "pipeSegmentRef": [
                "segmentNumber": "1",
                "asideTerminationPoint": "75005",
                "segmentRef": {
                    "id": "30-75003",
                    "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/30-75003",
                    "@type": "Pipe"
                "zsideTerminationPoint": "75006"
    "transmissionSignalType": "ELECTRICAL",
    "medium": "FIBER",
    "pipeDirectionalityRef": [
            "pipeDirection": "UNI_DIRECTIONAL",
            "directionalityType": "ROUTING",
            "terminationId1": "1",
            "terminationId2": "2",
            "terminationDirectType1": "SINK",
            "terminationDirectType2": "SOURCE"
    "roles": [
            "roleName": "BATRoleSpec",
            "roleType": "TOPOLOGY"

Update primaryPathEnabled, secondarPathEnabled, and pipeDirectionalityRef of a Pipe

Example of Request Body

MERGE patch:

    "@type": "Pipe",
    "primaryPathEnabled": {
        "originatingTerminationPoint": "75002",
        "terminatingTerminationPoint": "75007",
        "pipeSegmentRef": [
        "segmentRef": {
           "id": "30-75001",
           "@type": "Pipe"
        "segmentRef": {
           "id": "30-75004",
           "@type": "Pipe"
"secondaryPathEnabled": {
        "originatingTerminationPoint": "75010",
        "terminatingTerminationPoint": "75009",
        "pipeSegmentRef": [
        "segmentRef": {
           "id": "30-75005",
           "@type": "Pipe"
    "pipeDirectionalityRef": [
            "pipeDirection": "UNI_DIRECTIONAL",
            "directionalityType": "ROUTING",
            "terminationId1": "1",
            "terminationId2": "2",
            "terminationName2": "PTPUpdated",
            "terminationDirectType1": "SOURCE",
            "terminationDirectType2": "SINK"


Updating the primary and secondary paths are supported only through the MERGE patch.

JSON patch:

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/pipeDirectionalityRef?pipeDirectionality.type=ROUTING",
    "value":  {
	"pipeDirection": "UNKNOWN",
	"directionalityType": "ROUTING"

Example for Response Body

This example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format. It shows the pipe details for a given ID after performing a patch.

    "id": "30-1",
    "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/30-1",
    "@type": "Pipe",
    "@baseType": "LogicalResource",
    "name": "Updated pipe",
    "description": " Updated pipe description",
    "resourceVersion": "1",
    "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED",
    "lifecycleSubState": "UNASSIGNED",
    "startOperatingDate": "2022-04-15T15:24:17.428Z",
    "endOperatingDate": "2028-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
    "resourceRelationship": [
            "relationshipType": "INVOLVE",
            "resourceRef": {
                "id": "1-75001",
                "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/1-75001",
                "@type": "LogicalDevice"
    "resourceCharacteristic": [],
    "resourceSpecification": {
        "id": "BATTrailPipeSpec",
        "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/specification/BATTrailPipeSpec",
        "name": "BATTrailPipeSpec",
        "version": "1",
        "entityType": "Pipe",
        "startDate": "2022-04-08T00:00:01.000Z",
        "endDate": "2038-01-19T08:44:07.000Z"
    "place": [
            "id": "1",
            "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/place/1",
            "name": "place1",
            "@referredType": "GeographicLocation"
    "capacityProvidedRef": {
       "capacityType": "Bandwidth",
       "totalAmount": "9",
       "unitOfMeasure": "Kbps",
       "consumablePercentage": "90"
    "capacityRequiredRef": {
        "capacityType": "Bandwidth",
        "requiredAmount": "51.84",
        "unitOfMeasure": "Mbps",
        "quantity": 1
    "capacityConsumedRef": {},
    "allowSecondaryEnablement": true,
    "isVersioned": false,
    "aendTerminationPoint": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/pipeTerminationPoint/32-1",
    "zendTerminationPoint": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/pipeTerminationPoint/32-2",
    "primaryPathEnabled": {
        "originatingTerminationPoint": "75002",
        "terminatingTerminationPoint": "75005",
        "pipeSegmentRef": [
                "segmentNumber": "1",
                "asideTerminationPoint": "75001",
                "segmentRef": {
                    "id": "30-75001",
                    "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/30-75001",
                    "@type": "Pipe"
                "zsideTerminationPoint": "75002"
                "segmentNumber": "2",
                "asideTerminationPoint": "75001",
                "isGap": true,
                "zsideTerminationPoint": "75006"
                "segmentNumber": "3",
                "asideTerminationPoint": "75005",
                "segmentRef": {
                    "id": "30-75003",
                    "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/30-75003",
                    "@type": "Pipe"
                "zsideTerminationPoint": "75006"
    "secondaryPathEnabled": {
        "originatingTerminationPoint": "75010",
        "terminatingTerminationPoint": "75009",
        "pipeSegmentRef": [
                "segmentNumber": "1",
                "asideTerminationPoint": "75010",
                "segmentRef": {
                    "id": "30-75005",
                    "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/30-75005",
                    "@type": "Pipe"
                "zsideTerminationPoint": "75009"
    "transmissionSignalType": "ELECTRICAL",
    "medium": "FIBER",
    "pipeDirectionalityRef": [
            "pipeDirection": "UNI_DIRECTIONAL",
            "directionalityType": "ROUTING",
            "terminationId1": "1",
            "terminationId2": "2",
            "terminationDirectType1": "SOURCE",
            "terminationDirectType2": "SINK"
    "roles": [
            "roleName": "BATRoleSpec",
            "roleType": "TOPOLOGY"

Remove primaryPathEnabled, secondarPathEnabled, and pipeDirectionalityRef of a Pipe

Example of Request Body

MERGE patch:

    "@type": "Pipe",
    "primaryPathEnabled": {
          "originatingTerminationPoint": "75006",
          "terminatingTerminationPoint": "75005",
          "pipeSegmentRef": [
                  "segmentRef": {
                  "id": "30-75003",
                  "@type": "Pipe"

"secondaryPathEnabled": {
        "pipeSegmentRef": []
"pipeDirectionalityRef": [

JSON patch:

    "op": "remove",
    "path": "/pipeDirectionalityRef?pipeDirectionality.type=ROUTING"

    "op": "remove",
    "path": "/primaryPathEnabled"
    "op": "remove",
    "path": "/secondaryPathEnabled"

Example of Response Body

This example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format. It shows the pipe details for a given ID after performing a patch.

    "id": "30-1",
    "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/30-1",
    "@type": "Pipe",
    "@baseType": "LogicalResource",
    "name": "Updated pipe",
    "description": " Updated pipe description",
    "resourceVersion": "1",
    "lifecycleState": "INSTALLED",
    "lifecycleSubState": "UNASSIGNED",
    "startOperatingDate": "2022-04-15T15:24:17.428Z",
    "endOperatingDate": "2028-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
    "resourceRelationship": [
            "relationshipType": "INVOLVE",
            "resourceRef": {
                "id": "1-75001",
                "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/resource/1-75001",
                "@type": "LogicalDevice"
    "resourceCharacteristic": [],
    "resourceSpecification": {
        "id": "BATTrailPipeSpec",
        "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/specification/BATTrailPipeSpec",
        "name": "BATTrailPipeSpec",
        "version": "1",
        "entityType": "Pipe",
        "startDate": "2022-04-08T00:00:01.000Z",
        "endDate": "2038-01-19T08:44:07.000Z"
    "place": [
            "id": "1",
            "href": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/place/1",
            "name": "place1",
            "@referredType": "GeographicLocation"
    "capacityProvidedRef": {
       "capacityType": "Bandwidth",
       "totalAmount": "9",
       "unitOfMeasure": "Kbps",
       "consumablePercentage": "90"
    "capacityRequiredRef": {
        "capacityType": "Bandwidth",
        "requiredAmount": "51.84",
        "unitOfMeasure": "Mbps",
        "quantity": 1
    "capacityConsumedRef": {},
    "allowSecondaryEnablement": true,
    "isVersioned": false,
    "aendTerminationPoint": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/pipeTerminationPoint/32-1",
    "zendTerminationPoint": "http://hostname:port/InventoryRSOpenAPI/resourceInventoryManagement/v3/pipeTerminationPoint/32-2",
    "transmissionSignalType": "ELECTRICAL",
    "medium": "FIBER",
    "pipeDirectionalityRef": [],
    "roles": [
            "roleName": "BATRoleSpec",
            "roleType": "TOPOLOGY"
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