
This guide provides information about how you use cartridges and cartridge packs with Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM).

The guide contains the following information:

  • Background and introductory information about the cartridges and cartridge packs

  • Information about the contents of cartridge packs

  • Instructions about deploying cartridges and opening cartridge project archives

  • Instructions about bundling cartridges

  • Information about extending and upgrading cartridges and cartridge packs

  • Reference information about base cartridges


This guide is intended for:

  • Administrators who deploy cartridges in test and production environments

  • Business analysts who require information about solutions can be implemented and deployed

  • Developers and modelers who design and implement solutions

  • Developers and modelers who customize and extend cartridge packs

This guide assumes that you have a working knowledge of UIM.

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