
This section covers what you may see within Unified Assurance when you click on the "Dashboards" link in the navigation pane in the main user interface.

What is a Dashboard?

A Real-time Dashboard is used to organize unified service assurance data (events, metrics, and topology) as well as third party or integration user interfaces to a completely normalized end-user display. Dashboards allow you create static reporting as well as real-time dynamic unified interfaces (based upon device or service). Dashboards are edited through a web interface that allows you to drag/drop individual interfaces or Panels onto the dashboard configuration.

How do I create a Dashboard?

The following guide contains information about how to design and create a dashboard.

The following interfaces are used to create a dashboard.

Dashboards Navigation Explained

When the Dashboards navigation pane is displayed, you will see the Dashboard Group that has been assigned as your Restrictive Dashboard Group, and any Dashboards that are in the group. You will also see any child Dashboard Groups and any Dashboards in those child groups. For example, using this layout:

You will see the following in the view:


If a restrictive group is not set, the UI will default to using the Root group.