

The Unified Assurance Create Vision Data application is used for creating Custom Layers or Entities in Vision. The application can be configured to read data from an API request, input file or SQL query. The input data is processed through a set of rules and sent to Vision to create a Custom Layer or Entities.

Create Vision Data Setup

  1. Enable the default Job on the presentation servers, unless a specific configuration option is needed.

    Configuration -> Broker Control -> Jobs

Create Vision Custom Layer Scheduled Job

Field Value
Package Name vision-app
Job Name Create Vision Custom Layer
Job Program bin/core/vision/CreateVisionData
Job Arguments
Job Description Create Custom Layer in Vision
Failover Type Standalone (Supported: Standalone, Primary/Backup)
Status Disabled
Privileged (Unchecked)
Minutes 5
Hours *
Days *
Months *
WeekDays *

Create Vision Custom Layer Configuration

Name Value Possible Values Notes
BaseRules vision/custom/base.rules Text, 255 characters Relative path to Base Rules
BranchDir core/default Text, 255 characters relative path to Rules dir
IncludeRules vision/custom/base.includes Text, 255 characters Relative path to Include Rules
LoadRules vision/custom/base.load Text, 255 characters Relative path to Load Rules
LogFile logs/CreateCustomLayer.log Text, 255 characters Relative path to Log File.
LogLevel ERROR OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG Logging level used by application.
Username Text, 255 characters Username for Unified Assurance user with write access to Vision.
Password Text, 255 characters Password for Unified Assurance user with write access to Vision.
VisionEndpoint Custom Custom, Entities Type of data to create in Vision.
LayerName Unified Assurance Devices Text, 255 characters Name of Custom Layer to create in Vision.
RefreshRate 300 Integer Refresh rate for Custom Layer in Vision.
Host Text, 255 characters Optional - Hostname for Vision. Defaults to WebFQDN for installation.
Port Integer Optional - Port for Vision.
GatekeeperUsername Text, 255 characters Optional - Vision Gatekeeper username.
GatekeeperPassword Text, 255 characters Optional - Vision Gatekeeper password.
SourceType CSV, JSON, XML Optional - Data type returned by source. Defaults to JSON for API requests and to CSV for file input.
URL Text, 255 characters Optional - Web address of data source, i.e. API.
Key Text, 255 characters Optional - Comma separated path of keys for data in JSON or XML response of file.
SourceUser Text, 255 characters Optional - Username for data source. Used in conjunction with URL and SourcePassword to authenticate with source.
SourcePassword Text, 255 characters Optional - Password for data source. Used in conjunction with URL and SourceUser to authenticate with source.
SSLBundleCert Text, 255 characters Optional - Path to BundleCA certificate. Used in conjunction with URL, SSLUserCert and SSLUserKey to authenticate with source.
SSLUserCert Text, 255 characters Optional - Path to User certificate. Used in conjunction with URL, SSLBundleCert and SSLUserKey to authenticate with source.
SSLUserKey Text, 255 characters Optional - Path to User key file. Used in conjunction with URL, SSLBundleCert and SSLUserCert to authenticate with source.
File Text, 255 characters Optional - Path to input file.
DelimiterFile Text, 255 characters Optional - Path to file containing delimiter. Default delimiter is ,. Used to set delimited for use with input file.
SelectSQLFile Text, 255 characters Optional - Relative path to Select SQL file. Relative to BranchDir.
SourceSchemaName Text, 255 characters Optional - Database Schema name to connect too. Defaults to Assure1

Create Vision Entities Scheduled Job

Field Value
Package Name vision-app
Job Name Create Vision Entities
Job Program bin/core/vision/CreateVisionData
Job Arguments
Job Description Create/synchronize Devices from Unified Assurance with Entities in Vision
Failover Type Standalone (Supported: Standalone, Primary/Backup)
Status Disabled
Privileged (Unchecked)
Minutes 0
Hours 3
Days *
Months *
WeekDays *

Create Vision Entities Configuration

Name Value Possible Values Notes
BaseRules vision/entities/base.rules Text, 255 characters Relative path to Base Rules
BranchDir core/default Text, 255 characters relative path to Rules dir
IncludeRules vision/entities/base.includes Text, 255 characters Relative path to Include Rules
LoadRules vision/entities/base.load Text, 255 characters Relative path to Load Rules
LogFile logs/CreateEntities.log Text, 255 characters Relative path to Log File.
LogLevel ERROR OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG Logging level used by application.
Username Text, 255 characters Username for Unified Assurance user with write access to Vision.
Password Text, 255 characters Password for Unified Assurance user with write access to Vision.
VisionEndpoint Entities Custom, Entities Type of data to create in Vision.
Host Text, 255 characters Optional - Hostname for Vision. Defaults to WebFQDN for installation.
Port Integer Optional - Port for Vision.
GatekeeperUsername Text, 255 characters Optional - Vision Gatekeeper username.
GatekeeperPassword Text, 255 characters Optional - Vision Gatekeeper password.
SourceType CSV, JSON, XML Optional - Data type returned by source. Defaults to JSON for API requests and to CSV for file input.
URL Text, 255 characters Optional - Web address of data source, i.e. API.
Key Text, 255 characters Optional - Comma separated path of keys for data in JSON or XML response of file.
SourceUser Text, 255 characters Optional - Username for data source. Used in conjunction with URL and SourcePassword to authenticate with source.
SourcePassword Text, 255 characters Optional - Password for data source. Used in conjunction with URL and SourceUser to authenticate with source.
SSLBundleCert Text, 255 characters Optional - Path to BundleCA certificate. Used in conjunction with URL, SSLUserCert and SSLUserKey to authenticate with source.
SSLUserCert Text, 255 characters Optional - Path to User certificate. Used in conjunction with URL, SSLBundleCert and SSLUserKey to authenticate with source.
SSLUserKey Text, 255 characters Optional - Path to User key file. Used in conjunction with URL, SSLBundleCert and SSLUserCert to authenticate with source.
File Text, 255 characters Optional - Path to input file.
DelimiterFile Text, 255 characters Optional - Path to file containing delimiter. Default delimiter is ,. Used to set delimited for use with input file.
SelectSQLFile Text, 255 characters Optional - Relative path to Select SQL file. Relative to BranchDir.
SourceSchemaName Text, 255 characters Optional - Database Schema name to connect too. Defaults to Assure1


This application uses the Unified Assurance standard rules architecture, which are 100% Perl syntax. Refer to the following articles to assist in rules creation:

Administration Details

The following list shows the technical details you will need for advanced administration of the application: