

The Unified Assurance Event Trap Replay gathers historical events from the Event Analytics database and creates a replay script that can be run separately.


  1. You must have the Details.Replay populated through rules to support this functionality. Review the read-only rules and copy or merge changes into the appropriate branch (e.g. Default read-write branch (default)).

    • Configuration -> Rules -> Core Rules (core) -> Default read-only branch (RO_LOCKED) -> Collection -> Event -> Trap -> base.rules
$Event->{Details}{Replay} = $replay;

Administration Details

The following list shows the technical details needed for advanced administration of the application:

./TrapReplay [OPTIONS] > /tmp/

# EXAMPLE: time range of 1 day
./TrapReplay -s now-1d > /tmp/

# EXAMPLE: multiple devices and a single IP address
./TrapReplay -d -d -i > /tmp/

# EXAMPLE: filter on Cisco traps only
./TrapReplay -t > /tmp/

# EXAMPLE: run replay script
    --Dry-Run    Print the query that was generated, but do not run
-d, --Device     DeviceName to match in the "Node" field (may be repeated)
-e, --EndTime    The end of the time restriction inclusive (Epoch, RFC 3339, time literal) [Default: now]
                   * 1234567890
                   * 2023-01-31T23:59:59Z
                   * now
-i, --IPAddress  IPv6 or IPv4 address to match in the "IPAddress" field (may be repeated)
-l, --Limit      Limit the number of results [Default: 1000]
-s, --StartTime  The start of the time restriction inclusive (Epoch, RFC 3339, time literal) [Default: now-1h]
                   * 1234567890
                   * 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z
                   * now-30d
-t, --TrapOID    Trap OID tree or notification to filter results on
-u, --Updates    Include updated (de-duplidated and/or modified) events. May cause more results than desired.
-?, -h, --Help   Print usage and exit