
Learn about autoscaling for Oracle Communications Unified Assurance microservices.


Autoscaling provides an automated approach to increase or decrease the allocated computational resources, as the workload changes.

In Unified Assurance, Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) provides real-time automatic scaling decisions for microservices. If the application has a high workload, Kubernetes assigns more work units as required to keep the application running optimally. When the workload decreases, Kubernetes scales down the work units to keep resource use optimal and efficient.

Default autoscaling configuration

Name Value Possible Values Notes
enabled true true, false Whether to enable or disable autoscaling. Enabled by default.
pollingInterval 5 Integer The interval in seconds at which each metric value is checked against the threshold.
If any metrics surpassing the threshold, replicas are scaled.
cooldownPeriod 300 Integer The period in seconds to wait before scaling the resources back to the minimum number of replicas.
minReplicaCount 1 Integer The minimum number of replicas when the resources are scaled down.
maxReplicaCount 20 Integer The maximum number of replicas when the resources are scaled up.

Example of changing autoscaling configuration

Auto-scaling is enabled by default. To disable auto-scaling, pass the following during the installation command:

a1helm install ... --set autoscaling.enabled=false

To change multiple options, configuration can be passed in the following way in the installation command:

a1helm install ... --set autoscaling.cooldownPeriod=150 --set autoscaling.maxReplicaCount=10