

The Redis microservice is an in-memory data structure store, used as a distributed, in-memory key–value database, cache or message broker. The Redis microservice also comes with the following modules enabled: RedisJSON and RediSearch. The microservice is expected to run in the a1-cache namespace and can be used by other microservices as in-cluster storage.


  1. A microservices cluster must be setup. Refer to Microservice Cluster Setup.


su - assure1
export WEBFQDN=<Primary Presentation Web FQDN> 
a1helm install redis assure1/redis -n a1-cache --set global.imageRegistry=$WEBFQDN

Redis CLI

The microservice also bundles the redis-cli application that can directly interract with the redis instance. You can access it by executing an interactive shell within the running redis instance.

Example of using the redis-cli

a1k exec -it redis-master-0 -n a1-cache -- /bin/bash
redis-cli --tls --cert /certs/a1/User-assure1.crt --key /certs/a1/User-assure1.key --cacert /certs/a1/BundleCA.crt