
Learn how to uninstall Oracle Communications Unified Assurance. Uninstalling removes all files and database data.

To uninstall Unified Assurance:

  1. Back up any data or customizations you need.

  2. Run the following command to uninstall the broker:

    yum erase Assure1

  3. On most systems, the previous command should have completely uninstalled Unified Assurance. However, the following steps can ensure that any uninstall errors are detected and addressed:

    1. Run the following command to list any possible leftover processes:

      ps aux | grep assure1

      Example output:

      root      14631  0.1  3.2 802836 194984 ?       Sl   Apr03   0:10 /opt/assure1/bin/core/collection/Syslogd -c 18
      root      29194  0.0  0.0 112712   980 pts/0    S+   00:37   0:00 grep --color=auto assure1
    2. If any applications are listed (besides the "grep" process), run the following command with the process IDs:

      kill -9 (PROCESS ID)

      Using the above example, the command to stop the "/opt/assure1/apps/eventStdAggregator/Syslogd" application is:

      kill -9 14631

  4. If the "/opt/assure1" directory still exists, delete it with the following command:

    rm -rf /opt/assure1

  5. Verify the assure1 user is removed:

    userdel assure1

  6. Delete certs from trust store

    rm -f /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/Assure1_*
    trust list | grep Assure1