v5 to v6 Upgrade Guide

Learn about upgrading your Assure1 version 5 installation to Oracle Communications Unified Assurance version 6.

About Upgrading from v5 to v6

Upgrading Assure1 v5 to Unified Assurance v6 allows an existing installation to gain the benefits of the latest functionality and enhancements available. Upgrades should be taken seriously and planned ahead of time. If you have access to a development instance, upgrades should be performed on there before planning your production upgrade.

The major changes provided from upgrading to Unified Assurance are:

Data will be migrated from the old database to the new database by a database dump during the upgrade. Depending on the sizes, it may take some time. Plan for reporting if needed.

The upgrade process updates every single package installed on each server. While this is happening, functionality will be disrupted.

The upgrade happens in place.

About Upgrading to v6 on Linux 8

Unified Assurance version 6.0.4 and later is installed on Linux 8. To upgrade to a Linux 8 version of Unified Assurance, you must first upgrade from Assure1 version 5 to Unified Assurance version 6.0.3 on your Linux 7 system. Then you can perform a forklift or in-place upgrade to version 6.0.4 on Linux 8. See Upgrading Unified Assurance on Linux 7 to Linux 8 for information.

Upgrade Prerequisites

  1. Your Assure1 v5 installation must be updated to at least Update 5.5.9.

  2. Migrate all data from OrientDB to Neo4j before the upgrade; Neo4j needs to be the active Graph database and not OrientDB.

  3. Disable and stop the Database Watchdog on all servers. If the Database Watchdog is running, the UI becomes inaccessible during the upgrade.

  4. If you are upgrading a redundant presentation server pair, ensure the assure1 database on the redundant server is stopped while the primary server gets upgraded and running when the redundant server gets upgraded. Run the following as root to stop start the assure1 database:

    systemctl stop / start assure1-db
  5. If your Assure1 v5 installation contains any custom (non Assure1 default) MySQL tables or databases, ensure that they are compatible with MySQL EE prior to starting the upgrade; otherwise the upgrade may fail.


If you do not follow the prerequisites, your upgrade may fail completely.

Preparing for the Upgrade

To prepare for the upgrade:

  1. If you have a development environment, Oracle recommends upgrading this environment first to get a feel for the process.

  2. Back up all systems before upgrading. See Backup and Restore in Unified Assurance System Administrator's Guide.

  3. Create a backup plan that includes this document, the prior upgrade experience notes, and rollback steps from backups if needed.

  4. Plan a maintenance window for the upgrade.


Starting with your primary presentation server, to upgrade to Unified Assurance v6:

  1. Download the latest Unified Assurance release package from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud to the /opt/install/ directory, or the directory where the collection file was placed during the initial installation:


    The package contains the Oracle-Communications-Unified-Assurance-6.X.X.X.X.zip collection file for installation.

  2. Extract the contents of the collection to the /opt/install/ directory, or the directory where the packages were placed during the initial installation:

    unzip -d /opt/install/ Oracle-Communications-Unified-Assurance-6.X.X.X.X.zip
  3. Upload the RPM file to the /opt/install/ directory on all other servers that will be part of the environment.

  4. Use one of the following examples to update the RPM on all servers:

    • If Assure1 was installed into the /opt/assure1/ directory:

      yum update --nogpgcheck Assure1-6.X.X.X.X-X.x86_64.rpm
    • If Assure1 was installed to a different directory, use the rpm update command with the prefix flag. For example, if /opt/a1/ is installation directory:

      rpm -Uvh --prefix /opt/a1 /opt/install/Assure1-6.X.X.X.X-X.x86_64.rpm

      If you encounter dependency errors, install any missing dependencies and repeat the rpm update command.

  5. Do one of the following before running Package update, RedundancyWizard or SetupWizard:

    • Export the LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$A1BASEDIR/lib:$A1BASEDIR/lib/private
    • Source the .bashrc file:

      source $A1BASEDIR/.bashrc
  6. Run Package Update, starting with the primary presentation server:

    $A1BASEDIR/bin/Package update --Depot /opt/install/:a1-local

    Updated packages will be copied from the directory they were extracted and copied into the internal package location on the primary presentation server. After the package file copy process is complete, packages that have updates on the primary presentation server will be installed.

    Wait for this process to finish. When the packages have been updated, the Installing progress bar shows 100%.

  7. Run flush-hosts on the primary presentation server:

    $A1BASEDIR/vendor/mysql/bin/mysqladmin flush-hosts
  8. On the redundant partner for the presentation server, restart the assure1-db database.

  9. On each server in the installation, run Package update:

    $A1BASEDIR/bin/Package update 

    Packages that have updates available will be downloaded from the primary presentation server to the other servers. After the download process is complete, packages that have updates on the server will be installed.

    Wait for this process to finish. When the packages have been updated, the Installing progress bar shows 100%.

  10. After updating all servers, rerun Redundancy Wizard on all redundant presentation and Event, Metric, and Graph database server pairs.

  11. Verify that the system is working as expected.

  12. Finalize the upgrade by removing all v5 related directories. On each system, run:

    $A1BASEDIR/bin/SetupWizard --Finalize-Upgrade

    If you do not run Finalize-Upgrade, package upgrades may fail.

Troubleshooting the Upgrade