Create an Event



Creates a new event. If it is a duplicate event, the Count, Severity, LastReported, EventCategory, and Summary fields of the existing event are updated rather than creating another event. This endpoint does not support custom deduplication.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : SuccessfulAddOperation
Type: object
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Nested Schema : type
Type: object
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Nested Schema : data
Type: array
The properties of the new event.
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Nested Schema : metaData
Type: array
The metadata associated with the method.
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Nested Schema : eventEventsReadData
Type: object
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  • Indicates if the event has been flagged as acknowledged. Events will be displayed differently based on Ack. - 0 -> N0 - 1 -> Yes
    Example: 1
  • Action is an indication for a non-human entity that caused a change to be made.
    Example: SQL Tool: Acknowledge
  • Actor is an indication of the entity that caused the change to be made.
    Example: admin
  • The number of times this Event has happened (deduplicated)
    Example: 1963
  • Customer can be set to a value when needed
  • Customer.rules will set this to Unknown if not previously set.
    Example: Unknown
  • Details of the event (a JSON text)
    Example: {"ThresholdName":"Device Down","Time":"1667230800","InstanceName":"Device","ThresholdTimeRange":900,"ThresholdTypeName":"Standard Threshold","ThresholdSeverity":5,"MetricValue":0,"ThresholdOperator":"==","DeviceName":"","ThresholdType":"1","ThresholdMessage":"Performance threshold violation: Device Down","Measurement":"metrictype_Latency","ThresholdValue":"0"}
  • Device Type is used as a general category for the event. Customer.rules will set this to Unknown if not previously set.
    Example: Unknown
  • Duration for which the event occurred (LastReported - FirstReported)
    Example: 24417000.000
  • If an event should be escalated or not. ??? 0 = no ??? 1 = should be escalated ??? 2 = has been escalated
    Example: 0
  • Event Category - 1 -> Resolution - 2 -> Problem - 3 -> Discrete
    Example: Problem
  • Event ID specified for individual read operations
    Example: 57341
  • Event Key
    Example: Standard Down-Device
  • Type of the Event (ex. linkUpDown for a linkDown trap)
    Example: Device Down
  • Time at which the event expired (Number of seconds after LastChanged for this Event to become eligible-to-be-deleted, which is done by the mechanization DeleteExpired)
    Example: 0
  • Timestamp when event was first reported
    Example: 2022-10-31 10:40:00.000
  • An object containing a longitude and latitude denoting a geographic location related to the event.
    Example: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [0.0, 0.0]}
  • An object containing a pair of longitude and latitude coordinates denoting a geographic path related to the event.
    Example: {"type": "LineString", "coordinates": [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]]}
  • The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the Device associated with this Event
  • Timestamp when event was last changed
    Example: 2023-08-10 01:10:00.000
  • Timestamp when event was last reported
    Example: 2023-08-10 01:10:00.000
  • Name, Address, or something similar associated with the Event. Event Analytics will use this if it is set.
  • Protocol of how the event was received/retrieved. The binary will set a default value (Trapd, Syslogd, for example), but can be update in rules, if needed.
    Example: StandardThresholdEngined
  • The name of the device where the event happened (usually the DNS name of the device associated with the event)
  • The original severity when the event was first created.
    Example: 5
  • The name of the currently-responsible person. Some event Tools (for example, "Acknowledge", "Delete", and "Take Ownership") set this to the username that executed the tool; "UnAcknowledge" sets it to 0.
    Example: admin
  • Used by applications to know whether the event is being processed as a root cause of another event or not.
    Example: 0
  • Used by applications to know whether the event was caused by another event or not.
    Example: 0
  • If a Priority value is set on a device, this field can be set to the event Severity * Priority to increase the number. Event Filters can be configured to show the hi-score Events first, or other processing may utilize this value.
    Example: 0
  • The SLM applications will set this to the name of the SLM Service if a violation is detected.
  • Flag to indicate a provided service has been impacted. Allowed values: - 0 = Not service impacting - 1 = Service impacting
    Example: 0
  • Must be a value between 0 - 5. The event will change colors in the Event List based on the severity. Allowed Values: - 0 => Normal - 1 => Unknown - 2 => Info - 3 => Minor - 4 => Major - 5 => Critical
    Example: Critical
  • Shard to query (defaults to 1)
    Example: 1
  • Used for vendor or model information for the event. Customer.rules will set this to Unknown if not previously set.
    Example: Unknown
  • Usually set in rules to the specific processing that was done on the event, for example, the MIB that defines the trap, or the string "watchdog", or "Unknown".
    Example: Standard Threshold
  • The Instance of the Event, for example, the ifIndex value of a linkUp trap. Mechanization CorrelateProblemResolutions requires that this is the same for correlating events
    Example: Device
  • Event description
    Example: Device Down with availability 0.00% == 0%
  • A flag for the ticket state of this event. - 0 = no ticket - 1 = ticket to be created - 2 = processing - 3 = opened
    Example: 0
  • The Ticket ID associated with this Event in the external system. Should be populated by the process done to open the ticket in the external system.
  • Can be set to the Device Zone that the device is in.
    Example: 5
Nested Schema : eventEventsReadMetaData
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : columns
Type: array
Show Source
        "text":"<div class=\"fa fa-link\"></div>",
        "tooltip":"Indicates correlated symptom events",
        "header":"Event Type",
        "header":"Event Text",
        "header":"First Occurred",
        "header":"Last Occurred",
        "header":"Last Changed",
Nested Schema : fields
Type: array
fields within the data object (Events)
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Nested Schema : severity
Type: object
Object containing number of all type of severities
Nested Schema : items
Type: object

Default Response

Failed operation
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
The list of errors reported. Validation errors will be keyed by record field.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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