Get a CAPE Node by ID



Gets the CAPE node that matches the specified ID.


Path Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : SuccessfulGetOperation
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : type
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : data
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : eventNodesRead
Type: object
Show Source
  • Content of CAPE Node Rule
    Example: use JSON; my $EventDBH = DBConnect($Config, 'Event', {AutoCommit => 1}); my $CurrentTime = sprintf "%.3f", Time::HiRes::time; # Get Anomaly EventID and Details my $AnomalyEventID = $EventData->{EventID}; my $AnomalyDetails; eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $AnomalyDetails = decode_json($EventData->{Details}); }; if ($@) { $Log->Message("ERROR", "Failed to decode Details: $@"); } # Get ML job my $AnomalyJobID = $AnomalyDetails->{MLJobID}; # Get Filter | Node ='xyz' AND SubNode='eth0' my $AnomalyFilter = $AnomalyDetails->{EventFilter}; my $AnomalyDuration = $CurrentTime - $EventData->{FirstReported}; # Mark Anomaly Event to prevent duplicate processing my ($ErrorFlag, $Message) = UpdateEvent({ DBH => \$EventDBH, EventID => $AnomalyEventID, Values => { Action => 'EscalateByAnomaly', Actor => 'CAPE', Duration => $AnomalyDuration, LastChanged => $CurrentTime, RootCauseFlag => 1, Severity => 0 } }); $Log->Message("WARN", "-> EscalateByAnomaly -> Marked Anomaly Event [$AnomalyEventID] as Cleared"); $Log->Message("WARN", "-> EscalateByAnomaly -> Escalating filter [$AnomalyFilter]"); # Retrieve alarms in filter with timeframe my ($ErrorFlag1, $Message1, $EventRef) = FindEventID({ DBH => \$EventDBH, Filter => $AnomalyFilter }); my $EventList = join(',', @$EventRef); $Log->Message("WARN", "-> EscalateByAnomaly -> Escalating filter returns [$EventList]"); # Set Severity Setting my $SymptomNewSeverity = 5; my $i = 0; foreach my $SymptomEventID (@$EventRef) { $i++; # Get symptom my $SymptomEvent = GetEventHash({ DBH => \$EventDBH, EventID => $SymptomEventID, ShardID => 1 }); my $SymptomOrigSeverity = $SymptomEvent->{Severity}; my $SymptomDuration = $CurrentTime - $SymptomEvent->{FirstReported}; # Suppress Events my ($ErrorFlag, $Message) = UpdateEvent({ DBH => \$EventDBH, EventID => $SymptomEventID, Values => { Action => 'EscalateByAnomaly', Actor => 'CAPE', Duration => $SymptomDuration, LastChanged => $CurrentTime, OrigSeverity => $SymptomOrigSeverity, RootCauseID => $AnomalyEventID, Severity => $SymptomNewSeverity } }); # EventJournal for suppression my ($ErrorFlag, $Message) = AddJournal({ DBH => \$EventDBH, EventID => $SymptomEventID, TimeStamp => $CurrentTime, Username => 'api', Entry => 'Escalate Abnormal Activity via event [' . $AnomalyEventID . '] due to [' . $AnomalyJobID . ']' }); } $EventDBH->disconnect();
  • CAPE Node Alias (optional) used for referencing another CAPE node
    Example: oracle.doceng.json.BetterJsonNull@53086bdc
  • UI-Only field that is either the NodeAlias if one exists or "[None]" if no alias is set
    Example: [None]
  • CAPE Node Description
    Example: Take anomaly event by Machine Learning Policy and escalated Severity
  • Node ID specified for individual CRUD operations
    Example: 1
  • CAPE Node Name
    Example: EscalateByAnomaly
  • NodeID of the next node IF a node is set as the next to be executed.
    Example: oracle.doceng.json.BetterJsonNull@55a29589
  • NodeName of the next node IF a node is set as the next to be executed
    Example: oracle.doceng.json.BetterJsonNull@155767a7
  • CAPE Node "next node" test statement. If this evaluates to "true", the event will be passed to $NodeNextNode

Default Response

Failed operation
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
The list of errors reported. Validation errors will be keyed by record field.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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