Get Metrics for an Instance



Gets the metrics for the specified instance that match the query parameters.


Query Parameters
  • The device group. Only used if DeviceSource is set to DeviceGroup.
  • Which device or devices to include. If no source is set, it assumes a single device. Allowed Values:
    • All
    • DeviceGroup: Also set the DeviceGroup parameter to the device group name.
    • DeviceZone: Also set the DeviceZoneName parameter to the device zone name.
    • Device: Also set the id parameter to the device name.
    • MultipleDevices: Also set the id parameter to the comma-separated list of device names.
  • The device zone name. Only used if DeviceSource is set to DeviceZone.
    Oracle Lab - Network Equipment
  • Whether to exclude disabled devices (1) or not (0).
  • The metric group to include. Only used if MetricSource is set to MetricGroup.
    Device Health
  • Which metrics to include. If no source is set, all metrics are included. Allowed Values:
    • All
    • MetricGroup: Also set the MetricGroup parameter to the metric group name.
    • MetricTypeName: Also set the MetricType parameter to the metric type name.
    • MetricTypes: Also set the MetricTypes parameter to the list of metric types.
  • The metric type to include. Only used if MetricSource is set to MetricTypeName.
  • The list of metric types to include. Only used if MetricSource is set to MetricTypes.
  • Whether the entire metric group should be included (1) or not (0). Only used if MetricSource is set to MetricTypeName or MetricTypes.
  • A shorthand string that encompasses StartTime and StopTime. Overwrites any value set for Start and StopTime.
  • The fields to filter the results by. You cannot filter by fields that contain a state.
    This parameter's value uses the following JSON format:
    "property": "property",
    "value": "propertyValue",
    "operator": "operator",
    "conjunction": "conjunction"

    If you use multiple JSON objects to combine filters, for example, to filter by several different device names, you cannot combine OR and AND conjunctions. The conjunction used for the last object applies to the entire list.
    • Default Value: OR
      Allowed Values: [ "AND", "OR" ]
      The conjunction between filters.
      Example: AND
    • Default Value: LIKE
      Allowed Values: [ "eq", "ne", "gte", "gt", "lte", "lt", "LIKE", "NOT LIKE", "re", "not re", "NOT IN" ]
      The filter operation to use.
      Example: eq
    • The name of the field to filter on.
      Example: name
    • The value of the field to filter on.
      Example: test
  • The group parameter. It groups results by field and direction.
    This parameters value uses the following JSON format:
    "property": "property",
    "direction": "direction"
  • A device name or comma-separated list of device names. Only used if the DeviceSource parameter is set to Device or MultipleDevices.
  • The number of records to limit results by.
  • The field and direction to sort results by. You cannot sort by fields that contain a state.
    This parameters value uses the following JSON format:
    "property": "property",
    "direction": "direction"
  • The page of results to start from.
    Default Value: 0

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : SuccessfulGetOperation
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : type
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : data
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : metricAllMetricsOverviewRead
Type: object
Show Source

Default Response

Failed operation
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
The list of errors reported. Validation errors will be keyed by record field.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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