Inclusion Profiles

Inclusion Profiles is a standard configuration interface to maintain the various profiles used by the "Device Auto Discovery" scheduled job to provide criteria for the devices that should be discovered and added to the Device Catalog. A profile can specify a seed list of IPs and/or DNS Names, a range of IPs, a CDP scan, or an LDAP scan. One or more profiles can be created to discover the devices within a network. Configure a profile and enable it to allow the "Device Auto Discovery" scheduled job to find the devices using the profile settings. There are four profile types to choose from:

  1. Ping Scan: Defines an IP address range (for example, 192.0.2.*) to be pinged by the Device Auto Discovery scheduled job.

  2. Seed Scan: Defines a list of specific IP addresses (and/or DNS names) of devices to be discovered (reduced search time over Ping Scan).

  3. LDAP Scan: Active Directory query-based scan.

  4. CDP Scan: A scan based on the Cisco Discovery Protocol (Scans for devices and their directly connected neighbors).

Refer to the Standard Configuration Interface guide for details on interacting with the grid and form

This user interface calls REST methods from api/discovery/includes.

The UI path for this interface is Configuration -> Device Discovery -> Inclusion Profiles.
