SNMP Access

SNMP Access is a standard configuration interface for adding, editing, and removing SNMP Discovery access profiles. Each profile contains SNMP information used to access SNMP on devices. The Device SNMP Discovery scheduled job attempts to assign one of these profiles to each device. Once an SNMP access profile has been assigned to a device it can be used by other SNMP-based components.

Unified Assurance provides a "Default Public" version 2 SNMP Access profile by default, which uses the "public" community string. If your SNMP-enabled devices also use the public community string and SNMPv2, then the "Default Public" profile can be used for SNMP Discovery. If your devices use a different SNMP version and/or different community strings, then a new SNMP Access profile must be created with the relevant information.

Refer to the Standard Configuration Interface guide for details on interacting with the grid and form. Some additional functionality is explained in the "Grid Details" section.

This user interface calls REST methods from api/discovery/sNMP.

The UI path for this interface is Configuration -> Device Discovery -> SNMP Access.

Grid Details

After being created, a single SNMP profile or group of SNMP profiles can be selected, then use the click-and-drag functionality to change the order profiles are used during discovery.

Form Fields

Best Practices