Widgets Graph

Form Fields

Widget Properties

Token Description
<WidgetID> SVG Widget identifier
<X> X point of widget relative to the diagram canvas
<Y> Y point of widget relative to the diagram canvas
<Width> Width of widget in pixels
<Height> Height of widget in pixels
<ScaleX> Scaled X
<ScaleY> Scaled Y
<Rotate> Widget rotation in degrees
<GraphTitle> Graph title
<ShowGraphTitle> Whether to show graph title
<ShowKey> Whether to show legend
<ShowYTitle> Whether to show Y-axis title
<ShowBackground> Whether to show background
<ShowTrendLines> Whether to show trend lines
<ShowMetricGroup> Whether to show metric group
<DeviceID> Device ID
<MetricTypeID> Metric Type ID
<MetricID> Metric ID
<Period> Metric Period: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
<LinkType> Drill-down link type: 'Diagram', 'DiagramBasic', 'DiagramDynamicDevice', 'ManualInternal', 'ManualExternal'
<LinkTarget> Drill-down link target: 'SameTab', 'NewTab', 'NewWindow'
<LinkDiagramID> Drill-down diagram to open. Only applicable for 'Diagram', 'DiagramBasic', and 'DiagramDynamicDevice' link types
<LinkDeviceID> Drill-down dynamic device diagram to open. Only applicable for 'DiagramDynamicDevice' link type
<LinkURL> Drill-down URL to open. Only applicable for 'ManualInternal' and 'ManualExternal' link types
<MenuID> Associated context menu ID. 0 if no menu