
eSRVCC calls involve two SIP sessions, the accounting records for which need clear association. To correlate the records, the Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager performs these actions for eSRVCC calls:

  • When it detects a session handover, the system generates an Interim accounting record for the initial SIP session. This way, the records provide the exact time of the handover (i.e., the timestamp of the Interim record).
  • The Oracle specific AVP Generic-ID will appear in Start, Interim, and Stop records for the handover SIP session. The Generic-ID contains the Call ID of the initial SIP session, which helps to correlate the two SIP sessions.
    • For RADIUS accounting records, refer to Oracle specific VSA 40.
    • For DIAMETER accounting records, refer to Oracle specific VSA 30.
  • The Stop record for the initial SIP session will not have media flow information because the media session is considered part of the handover SIP session.
  • If you are using QoS, the Stop records for the handover SIP session reflects the cumulative QoS statistics for both the initial SIP session and the handover SIP session.