Elements of Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager Configuration

Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager consists of multiple configuration elements. This guide presents these elements, separating them along conceptual category with chapters roughly equating to configuration sequence. This section lists configuration elements, providing the reader with a consolidated picture of overall product configuration.

Oracle documents this product using an Essentials model, which results in a unique OCCSM Essentials Guide document, and refers to the OCSBC Documentation Set for additional, related components, features and procedures. The documentation set, listed in the front matter of this document, provides configuration information across all session control products. The OCUSM and OCCSM filter out configuration elements, sub-elements and parameters that do not apply to themselves, preventing you from performing invalid configuration procedures.

See the Base Configuration Elements Appendix for minimal configuration setting examples that establish an operable Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager.

USM Configuration Elements

Required initial device configuration elements, explained in the Getting Started chapter in the ACLI Configuration Guide, include:

  • Boot Parameters
  • Management Interfaces
  • Device Password
  • Default Gateway
  • Product licensing/entitlement

Required network and SIP service configuration components, explained in multiple chapters in the ACLI Configuration Guide, include:

  • Enable SIP-Config—System Configuration Chapter
  • Service physical and network interface(s)—System Configuration Chapter
  • SIP Interfaces—System Configuration Chapter
  • SIP Ports—System Configuration Chapter
  • Realms—Realms and Nested Realms Chapter
  • ENUM—Routing with Local Policy Chapter

Required IMS configuration elements, explained in the Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager Supporting the IMS Core Chapter in this document, include:

  • Subscriber Database
  • SIP Registrar
  • Authentication Profile
  • ENUM for e.164 Translation
  • Registration Event
  • IMS Access Interface

Common Configuration Elements

Common configuration that may be needed for your deployment includes:

  • Session Agents
  • ENUM Routing
  • Local Routing
  • Initial Filter Criteria (iFC)
  • 3rd Party Registration Service
  • IMS Access Functions
  • IMS Interconnect Functions
  • Media manager
  • Media Steering pools

Common secondary management element configuration includes:

  • High Availability (HA)
  • CDR Accounting
  • SNMP Management

Other Configuration Elements

Configuration elements that are available, but may not be required for your deployment include:

  • Assorted SIP Configuration
  • Number Translation
  • Admission Control and QoS
  • DoS and other Security Configuration
  • Diameter Policy Configuration
  • Transcoding
  • Local Routing Configuration
  • Realm-based media policy and controls
  • Traffic Monitoring

See the Appendix on Base USM Configuration Elements for a list of configuration setting examples that bring your system to a minimally operational state in an IMS environment. Change addressing and other infrastructure-dependent setting examples to match that of your environment.