Local Policy

Local policies must be configured to match and then route an incoming emergency call. Once a local policy match is made, the Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager looks to the configured policy attributes for where to forward the INVITE. A matching policy attribute’s next hop should be configured to point to an emergency LRT that contains specific destinations for emergency calls. In addition, the elec str lkup parameter must be set to enabled so the Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager will perform an LRT lookup based on the location string returned in the CLF response.

The eloc str match parameter identifies the attribute, whose value in the location string will be used as the lookup key in the emergency LRT. For example, if the returned location string is:


and the eloc str match parameter is set to noc, then when the Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager performs a local policy route search, it will search the LRT for yyyy. If the eloc str match parameter left empty or if there is no match when eloc str lkup is enabled, the entire location string is used as the lookup key.