
name—Name for this enum-config to be referenced from within the system.

top-level-domain—The domain extension used to query the ENUM servers for this configuration.

realm-id—The realm-id is used to determine on which network interface to issue an ENUM query.

enum-servers—List of IP address that service the top level domain.

service-type—The ENUM service types you want supported in this ENUM configuration. Possible entries are E2U+sip and sip+E2U (the default), and the types outlines in RFCs 2916 and 3721.

  • Default: E2U+sip,sip+E2U

query-method—the ENUM query distribution strategy

  • Default: hunt
  • Values: hunt | round-robin

timeout—The total time, in seconds, that should elapse before a query sent to a server (and its retransmissions) will timeout.

  • Default: 11

cacheInactivityTimer—Enter the time interval, in seconds, after which you want cache entries created by ENUM requests deleted, if inactive for this interval.

  • Default: 3600
  • Values: 0-999999999

max-response-size—The maximum size in bytes for UDP datagram responses

  • Defaults: 512

health-query-number—The phone number for the ENUM server health query; when this parameter is blank the feature is disabled.

health-query-interval—The interval in seconds at which you want to query ENUM server health.

  • Default: 0
  • Values: 0-65535

failover-to—Name of the enum-config to which you want to failover.

cache-addl-records—Set this parameter to enabled to add additional records received in an ENUM query to the local DNS cache.

  • Default: enabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled

include-source-info—Set this parameter to enabled to send source URI information to the ENUM server with any ENUM queries.

  • Default: disabled
  • Values: enabled | disabled

ttl—This value ets the TTL value (in seconds) for NAPTR entries in the local ENUM cache and populates when sending a NAPTR entry to the ENUM server.

  • Default: 0
  • Values: 1-2592000

order—This parameter value populates the order field with when sending NAPTR entries to the ENUM server.

  • Default: 1
  • Values: 0-65535

preference—This parameter value populates the preference field with when sending NAPTR entries to the ENUM server.

  • Default: 1
  • Values: 0-65535