TLS Session Setup During Registration

This call flow depicts a TLS session setup during the registration procedure. Only relevant header fields are noted.

The TLS Session Setup During Registration call flow is described below.


Security-Client: ipsec-3gpp;alg=hmac-md5-96;ealg=aes-cbc;prot=esp;mod=trans;spi-c=8765423;port-c=7524;spi-s=1234563;port-s=1358, ipsec-3gpp;alg= hmac-sha-1-96;ealg=aes-cbc;prot=esp;mod=trans;spi-c=8765423;port-c=7524;spi-s=1234563;port-s=1358, tls


Authorization: Digest uri="",username="",response="",realm="",nonce=""
(No integrity-protected field will be present if TLS is selected as the security mechanism)

(3) 401

Security-Server: tls


Proxy-Require: sec-agree
Security-Verify: tls 


Authorization: Digest      
username="",realm="",uri="",qop=auth,nonce="Ms8l2xeF3l4lb0VO8fK3KFMSKLv1sQAATdN2NpFUCgU=",nc=00000001,cnonce="3063397945",algorithm=AKAv1-MD5,response="3779ff40a057f999a2f8288bbfafc10d", integrity-protected=tls-pending

TLS Session Setup Prior to Registration

This call flow depicts a TLS session setup prior to the registration procedure.

The TLS Session Setup Prior to Registration call flow is described below.


(No Security-Client or Proxy-Require header present)


Authorization: Digest uri="",username="",response="",realm="",nonce=""
(No integrity-protected field will be present)

(3) 401

(No Security-Server header present)


(No Security-Client, or Security-Verify or Proxy-Require header present)


Authorization: Digest      
username="",realm="",uri="",qop=auth,nonce="Ms8l2xeF3l4lb0VO8fK3KFMSKLv1sQAATdN2NpFUCgU=",nc=00000001,cnonce="3063397945",algorithm=AKAv1-MD5,response="3779ff40a057f999a2f8288bbfafc10d", integrity-protected=tls-pending

Regardless of TLS Session setup procedure, if the newly added configurable item sec-agree feature is enabled, any messages on unprotected port will be rejected except REGISTER messages or messages related to emergency services.

For refresh registration, if the Sec_Agree occurred during Registration, it verifies for the presence or change of Security-Client & Security-Verify headers, if they differ it will be rejected with 4xx response and also Authorization header fields are verified irrespective of the above methods and if they differ with previous association it will be rejected with 403 (Forbidden) response. Also when the refresh REGISTER is being forward to the core, it will set the integrity-protected field to "tls-yes".