Setting Up an IPSec Profile for IMS-AKA Use

Using the global IPSec configuration, you establish the parameters governing system-wide IPSec functions and behavior. This configuration also contains parameters required for IMS-AKA support. The IPSec global configuration is a single instance element, meaning there is one for the whole system.

To configure the global IPSec parameters that apply to IMS-AKA:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type security and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# security
  3. Type ipsec and press Enter.
    ORACLE(system)# ipsec
  4. Type ipsec-global-config and press Enter. If you are editing a pre-existing IPsec global configuration, then you need to select the configuration before attempting to edit it.
    ORACLE(system)# ipsec-global-config
  5. red-ipsec-port—Specify the port on which the Oracle Communications Unified Session Manager should listen for redundancy IPSec synchronization messages. The default is 1994, and valid values are in the range from 1025 to 65535.
  6. red-max-trans—Enter the maximum number of redundancy transactions to retain on the active. The default is 10000, and valid values range up to a 999999999 maximum.
  7. red-sync-start-time—Enter the time in milliseconds before the system starts to send redundancy synchronization requests. The default is 5000, and valid values range up to a 999999999 maximum.
  8. red-sync-comp-time—Enter the time in milliseconds to define the timeout for subsequent synchronization requests once redundancy synchronization has completed. The default is 1000, and valid values range up to a 999999999 maximum.