Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

Every integration with Aconex APIs must be registered with Oracle using Basic Authentication. You will receive the credentials required to uniquely identify the integration.

Oracle Aconex Customers

Oracle Aconex customers have two options for testing their integrations before enabling them in production on their live projects:
  • Early Access Environment: Oracle provides an Early Access (EA) environment for testing Smart Construction Platform integrations in a non-production environment.
  • Training and Practice Project: Every Aconex instance has a Training and Practice project available for you to use. Your Oracle contact can arrange an invitation to it upon request.
For the EA approach, your integration journey would be:
  1. Register your organization in the EA environment.
  2. Create test users and test data in EA.
  3. Register your integration in EA.
  4. Complete your integration testing in EA.
  5. Register your integration in production.
  6. Go live in production by deploying a separate production version.
For the Training and Practice approach, your integration journey would be:
  1. Register your integration in production.
  2. Request access to the Training and Practice project.
  3. Complete your integration testing using the Training and Practice project.
  4. Go live by connecting to your live projects.

Oracle Technology Partners

Oracle Technology Partners must join the Oracle Partner Network (OPN) and complete their testing in the EA environment before publishing to production. Your published integration will be available to all users.

Oracle Technology Partners' integration journey looks like this:

  1. Join the Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN).
  2. Register your organization on the EA environment.
  3. Create test users and test data in EA.
  4. Register an integration in EA.
  5. Complete your integration testing in EA.
  6. Publish your integration to production.

For more information, refer to the Getting started with APIs topic in the Aconex REST API documentation.