2 Before You Install the Accelerator

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Primavera Unifier and Oracle Primavera Cloud instances to connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and synchronize activities and assignments.

Configure Unifier

To configure Unifier, complete the initial setup outlined below:

  • Get Relevant Permissions: Ensure that you have the relevant permissions to configure Oracle Integration in Unifier. In Unifier, permissions are controlled in User Administration (Admin mode) > Access Control > Administration Mode Access > Oracle Integration Cloud.
  • Add Unifier as a Trusted Application in Oracle Integration: Ensure that Unifier is added as a trusted application using client credentials grant type in Oracle Integration. You will need the Client ID, Client Secret, and App Scope information generated for Unifier in the procedure outlined in the Initial Oracle Integration Setup. Contact Oracle Support for this information.
  • Create or Use an Existing Shell: A shell is where the users can organize and manage their business information. Create a new shell or use an existing one where you want to synchronize Primavera Cloud activities and assignments. See Creating a Shell.

Configure Primavera Cloud

To configure Primavera Cloud, complete the initial setup outlined below:

  • Create a Primavera Cloud Integration User Account: You can create an integration user account in Primavera Cloud to connect with Oracle Integration and manage integrations. Creating an integration account is optional but recommended to keep track of the data modified through integrations and to avoid issues related to using a standard user account, such as account lockouts or the employee leaving the organization. See Setting up an Integration User Account.
  • Create or Use an Existing Workspace: Workspaces represent the hierarchical structure of your organization's businesses, projects, or processes. Create a new workspace or use an existing one to synchronize Primavera Cloud activities and assignments with Primavera Unifier. See Add a Workspace.
  • Create or Use an Existing Project: A project is a formalized plan undertaken to create a service, product, or result. Projects may consist of various other details, including activities and assignments. Create a new project or use an existing one to synchronize its activities and assignments with Unifier. See Add a Project.