FAQ About Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse Licenses
Q.1: Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) is available in a couple of different licensing packages. Which one should be used for Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse?
Ans. 1: Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse dashboards are based on Oracle Analytics Server. Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse does not demand or specify which particular Oracle Analytics Server licensing package should be used by you. This decision should be guided by how Oracle Analytics Server is intended to be used by you apart from its use for Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse. Note that while several Oracle Analytics Server licensing packages are available, only some are available through the Application Specific Technology (AST) licensing program.
Q.2: What is AST licensing program?
Ans. 2: This is a special licensing program available for you to purchase Oracle technology products at considerable discounts. Note that these licenses are available only for approved Oracle applications and come with usage restrictions. All Oracle Utilities Global Business Unit’s applications are approved applications for AST licensing program.
Q.3: Customer has Oracle Warehouse Builder based Extractors and Schema licenses. Should they buy any additional licenses to use the Oracle Data Integrator/Oracle GoldenGate based Extractors and Schema products?
Ans. 3: Yes, you will need appropriate number of Oracle Data Integrator and Oracle GoldenGate licenses.
Q.4: Customer wants to bring in data from a non-Oracle Utilities Global Business Unit’s application. Can a customer use Oracle Data Integrator/Oracle GoldenGate licenses to enable this process?
Ans. 4: The answer depends on the type of Oracle Data Integrator and Oracle GoldenGate licenses you have. If you have enterprise level Oracle Data Integrator and Oracle GoldenGate licenses without specific restrictions on the data sources or destinations, then you can use Oracle Data Integrator/Oracle GoldenGate to extend Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse schema and bring in the additional data from other non-Oracle Utilities Global Business Unit’s applications.
If you have restricted use licenses (as in AST) for Oracle Data Integrator and Oracle GoldenGate, then you cannot use such licenses to bring in data from non-Oracle Utilities Global Business Unit’s applications.