Perform Pre-Upgrade Steps

This page details the actions to take before upgrading Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse from version to version

On this page:


  • Customers need to upgrade to the latest supported tech Stack on See section Supported Platforms and Hardware Requirements in the Installation Guide before performing the upgrade activities from to
  • Before proceeding with the prerequisite steps on the target and the source database servers, ensure you have a rollback plan in case it is necessary to revert the changes.

  1. Ensure that data in the source is in sync with the replication tables.

    Note: The Lag for Chkpt and Time Since Chkpt in both the source and target databases should be 0.

  2. Make sure that the ODI operator logs are available during and after the upgrade.

    Note: This can be ensured by increasing the log retention period to 60 days from the Global Configuration page in Apex.

  3. Make sure the ODI log level is set to maximum in Global Configuration.

    Note: This can be ensured by increasing the ODI log level to 5 or 6 from the Global Configuration page in Apex.

  4. Log in to Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse ODI server and start the ODI client.

    export JAVA_HOME=<JAVA HOME>
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    cd <FMW Home>/odi/studio

  5. Stop BI_RUN_ALL from ODI studio and follow these steps:
    1. Log in to Oracle Data Integrator Studio.
    2. Navigate to Designer > Load plan and Scenarios > Framework > B1_RUN_ALL > Scheduling.
    3. Double-click Global/WLS_AGENT, select Inactive, and save the changes.
    4. On the studio, navigate to the Topology tab.
    5. Right-click OracleDIAgent and select Update Schedule.
  6. Run the following query from the target database server to check if all jobs are complete.

    SELECT * FROM mdadm.b1_jobs_vw WHERE  status_flg in ('W','P','R');

    Note: No rows should be returned from the query mentioned above. If any rows are returned, that means jobs are not yet completed. Wait until they complete.

  7. Stop both Oracle Data Integrator admin and managed servers.

    cd <Domain Home>/<odi_domain>/bin
    ./ <ODI_server1>

  8. Stop the OAS services:

    cd <Domain Home>/<OAS_domain>/bitools/bin

  9. Stop Apex admin and managed servers.

    cd <Domain Home>/<apex_domain>/bin
    ./ <apex_server1>

  10. Stop the source application. Ensure the database is up and running in both the source and the target.
  11. Stop all EXTRACTS, REPLICATS, MANAGER, JAGENT, and PMSRVR from the source and target GoldenGate.

    cd <Goldengate Home>       
    stop *
    stop MANAGER
    stop JAGENT
    stop PMSRVR

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