Header and Footer Modules

The header and footer modules contain basic information about the email the customer receives, such as the utility logo, utility contact information, customer information, and an unsubscribe link.

Subject Line

The default subject line varies depending on whether the customer receives a pre- or post-event message, and if the event is today or tomorrow, or today and tomorrow.

  • Pre-event Email Subject Line: Peak energy day: Tomorrow, <Month> <Day>
  • Post-event Email Subject Line: <First Name> <Last Name>, your <Month> <Day> peak energy results are here
  • Pre-season Summer Welcome Email Subject Line: <Customer First and Last Name>: Join your community in saving electricity this summer!


The header contains a link to a HTML version of the email that opens in the user's browser. The header also includes:

  • A logo provided by the utility.
  • The customer's utility account number. For security purposes, four characters in the account number are shown, and the rest of the numbers are replaced with asterisks (*).


The footer includes information that provides more context about the BDR message.

  • An unsubscribe link. 

    Warning: If customers click Unsubscribe in the email and then click to unsubscribe from all emails, this action is permanent, and they will not be able to opt back in. If they click to opt out of Behavioral Demand Response emails only, then they can opt back into them at a later time.

  • The utility's contact information.
  • An Oracle copyright statement.

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